Getting Started

How to Get Started


Version: 2412.1.7

Date: December 13, 2024

Additional Documentation

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This API has support for the following environment(s). Each environment has one or more base URIs defined.

Mist Global 01

ServerBase URI
API Host

Mist Global 02

ServerBase URI
API Host

Mist Global 03

ServerBase URI
API Host

Mist Global 04

ServerBase URI
API Host

Mist EMEA 01

ServerBase URI
API Host

Mist EMEA 02

ServerBase URI
API Host

Mist EMEA 03

ServerBase URI
API Host

Mist APAC 01

ServerBase URI
API Host

The default environment is Mist Global 01 and the default server is API Host.


This API uses the following authentication schemes.

apiToken (Custom Header Signature)

This API uses the following header parameters for authentication.

AuthorizationNoneLike many other API providers, it’s also possible to generate API Tokens to be used (in HTTP Header) for authentication. An API token ties to a Admin with equal or less privileges. Format: API Token value format is Token {apitoken} Notes:
  • an API token generated for a specific admin has the same privilege as the user
  • an API token will be automatically removed if not used for > 90 days
  • SSO admins cannot generate these API tokens. Refer Org level API tokens which can have privileges of a specific Org/Site for more information.

The request looks like this:

curl {BASEURI} \
  -H 'Authorization: {AUTHORIZATION}'
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: {HOST}
Authorization: {AUTHORIZATION}

basicAuth (Basic Authentication)

HTTP Basic Authentication will need client credentials.

The client credentials are concatenated with a colon (:) and base64-encoded before being sent in the Authorization header.

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: {HOST}
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

csrfToken (Custom Header Signature)

This API uses the following header parameters for authentication.

X-CSRFTokenNoneThis protects the website against Cross Site Request Forgery, all the POST / PUT / DELETE APIs needs to have CSRF token in the AJAX Request header when using Login/Password authentication (with or without MFA) The CSRF Token is sent back by Mist in the Cookies from the Login Response API Call: cookies[csrftoken] The CSRF Token must be added in the HTTP Request Headers:
X-CSRFToken: vwvBuq9qkqaKh7lu8tNc0gkvBfEaLAmx

The request looks like this:

curl {BASEURI} \
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: {HOST}

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