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Juniper Mist Subscriptions

Use the information in this chapter to explore subscription options, contact sales for subscriptions, and use the Juniper Mist™ portal to activate or renew subscriptions. You also can monitor your orders and check the status of your subscriptions.

Available Subscriptions

Juniper Mist™ is a subscription-based service. Juniper offers a variety of subscriptions to meet your business needs.

To learn more about these services, go to these pages:

Subscription Usage

A Juniper Mist subscription is not associated with a device serial number. Consider this example:

  • You buy 12 devices and 10 subscriptions.

  • You install 5 devices at Site A and 5 devices at Site B, using the 10 subscriptions.

  • You now have used your subscriptions. You're keeping the other devices in your inventory as spares.

  • If a device fails, you can return it through the RMA process, take a device from your inventory, and install it. You are still using only 10 subscriptions.

  • When the RMA device comes back, you can keep it in your inventory so that you have two spares again.

Managing Subscriptions in the Juniper Mist Portal

After you purchase a subscription, you can activate and manage it in the Juniper Mist portal. On the left menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Organization > Admin > Subscriptions.