Juniper Mist Subscriptions
Use the information in this chapter to explore subscription options, contact sales for subscriptions, and use the Juniper Mist™ portal to activate or renew subscriptions. You also can monitor your orders and check the status of your subscriptions.
Available Subscriptions
Juniper Mist™ is a subscription-based service. Juniper offers a variety of subscriptions to meet your business needs.
To learn more about these services, go to these pages:
Juniper Mist Wi-Fi Assurance is a mandatory subscription if you are using Juniper access points.
Subscription Usage
A Juniper Mist subscription is not associated with a device serial number. Consider this example:
You buy 12 devices and 10 subscriptions.
You install 5 devices at Site A and 5 devices at Site B, using the 10 subscriptions.
You now have used your subscriptions. You're keeping the other devices in your inventory as spares.
If a device fails, you can return it through the RMA process, take a device from your inventory, and install it. You are still using only 10 subscriptions.
When the RMA device comes back, you can keep it in your inventory so that you have two spares again.
Managing Subscriptions in the Juniper Mist Portal
After you purchase a subscription, you can activate and manage it in the Juniper Mist portal. On the left menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Organization > Admin > Subscriptions.