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Revoke DHCP Lease on a WAN Edge Device

A DHCP server is assigned to a given network (for example, Guest_LAN). And then when a user device comes online in that specific network and requests a lease, the server in that network provides the device with a DHCP lease. And that lease is associated with the network.

You can view and revoke the DHCP lease on a WAN Edge device from the WAN Edge details page. The revoke option lets you release client devices from their current DHCP lease.

To view and revoke the DHCP lease information:

  1. Click WAN Edges > WAN Edges Name to navigate to a WAN Edge details page.
  2. In the DHCP Statistics section on the WAN Edge details page, click the hyperlinked value in the Leased IPs column to navigate to the Leased IPs window.

    On the Leased IPs window, you can view the client devices (MAC Addresses or hostnames) along with the leased IP addresses and the lease expiry dates.

  3. To revoke the DHCP lease, select a DHCP lease record from the Leased IP window and click Revoke.