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Adding and Configuring Juniper Networks Data Center Switching Management Pack for vROps

Juniper Networks Data Center Switching Management Pack for vROps is a plug-in that you can add to VMware vRealize Operations (vROps) to have a single-pane of glass view into the performance, capacity, and configuration management capabilities of the cloud data center that vROps manages. The data center can include Juniper Networks devices and VMware devices.


You cannot uninstall or remove a management pack from any installation of vROps. However, you can upgrade a management pack to a later version.

This topic describes:

Adding the Juniper Networks Data Center Switching Management Pack for vROps

Before you begin, ensure that you have:

  • vROps version 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, or 6.5 running

  • Downloaded and extracted the appropriate Juniper Networks Management Pack to a folder on your local system.

    If you have vROps version 6.0, 6.0.1, or 6.1 installed, you must download and use Juniper Networks Management Pack version 1.1.

    If you have vROps version 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, or 6.5 installed, you must download and use Juniper Networks Management Pack version 2.0.

    You can download the management pack from the Software Download page. The solution pack has a PAK extension.

To add the Juniper Networks Management Pack:

  1. Log in to vROps as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Administration and then select Solutions. The Solutions page opens.
  3. In the Solutions tab of the Solutions page, click +.
  4. Browse and select the management pack (PAK file) from the folder to which you extracted the contents of the Juniper Networks Management Pack.
  5. Select the option to either install the PAK file even if it is already installed without overwriting the existing settings or reset the default settings and overwrite to a newer version.
  6. Click Upload.
  7. Click Next after the upload completes.
  8. Read and accept the license agreement. Click Next.

    The installation might take several minutes to complete. The progress of the installation is displayed.

  9. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

    On successful installation, vROps lists Juniper Networks Management Pack as a solution in the Solutions page.

Specifying the Network Director Credentials in vROps

After you add Juniper Networks Management Pack to vROps, you must perform a few more tasks to enable vROps to connect to Network Director and obtain all the necessary data and metrics.

Before you specify the credentials, make sure that you have added at least one vCenter using the Datacenter View in Network Director. For more information, see Create a Data Center.

To perform the initial configuration:

  1. Log in to vROps as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Administration and then select Solutions.

    The Solutions page opens.

  3. Select the Juniper Networks Management Pack for which you want to specify the Network Director credentials and click on the toolbar.

    The Manage Solution - Juniper Networks Management Pack page appears.

  4. Select the Juniper adapter from the Adapter list.
  5. Enter a display name and a description for the adapter instance in the Instance Settings section.
  6. Enter the IP address of the Network Director server to which you want vROps to connect.
  7. Click to add credential details that vROps uses to log in to Network Director.

    Specify the name by which you want to save the credentials. Enter the username and the password that vROps uses to connect to Network Director.


    The Network Director user that you specify must be part of the

    Network Director – Admin, Super Administrator, or Network Director – Engineer user role. You can modify user roles for Network Director users from the Junos Space user interface. For more details, see Role-Based Access Control Overview.

  8. Specify a username and password for a vROps user. This user must have at least read-only access to vROps.

    This enables vROps to create relationships between VMware ESXi hosts and Juniper Networks data center devices, in vROps. Click OK to save the credentials.

    For detailed steps to create a read-only user, see Creating a Read-Only User in vROps.

  9. Click Test Connection to test the connection between vROps and Network Director. vROps tests and displays the connection status.
  10. Click Save Settings to complete the initial configuration. vROps gathers data from Network Director and builds the network in vROps. This might take a while depending on the number of data centers, devices, hosts, and virtual machines that are managed by Network Director.

Specifying the VMware vCenter Details in vROps

If your data center uses VMware vCenters as the cloud infrastructure provider, then you must add those vCenters to vROps and Network Director to facilitate data collection from the virtual network. This topic describes the steps to add a vCenter in vROps. For detailed steps on adding the same vCenter server in Network Director, see Adding a VMware vCenter in Network Director.

To add a vCenter in vROps:

  1. Log in to vROps as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Administration and then select Solutions.

    The Solutions page opens.

  3. Select the VMware vSphere for which you want to specify the VMware vCenter details and click on the toolbar.

    The Manage Solution - VMware vSphere page appears.

  4. Select vCenter Adapter from the Adapter list.
  5. Enter a display name and a description for the adapter instance in the Instance Settings section.
  6. Enter the IP address of the vCenter server.
  7. Click to add credential details that vROps uses to log in to the vCenter.

    Specify the name by which you want to save the credentials. Enter the username and the password that vROps uses to connect to the vCenter. This must be the user with administrative privileges on the vCenter server. Click OK to save the credentials.

  8. Click Test Connection to test the connection between vROps and the vCenter server. vROps tests and displays the connection status.
  9. Click Save Settings to complete the configuration.

Creating a Read-Only User in vROps

You must add a user with read-only access in vROps for the Juniper Networks Management Pack to obtain data from vROps. This user must then be added to vROps from the Solutions tab for the vCenter Adapter.

To create a read-only user in vROps:

  1. Click Administration in the left navigation pane.
  2. Click Access Control in the left navigation pane.

    The Access Control page appears.

  3. Click to add a user account.

    The Add User window opens.

  4. Enter the user details and click Next.
  5. Click the Objects tab and select ReadOnly from the Select Role drop-down list.
  6. Select Assign this role to the user.
  7. Click Finish.

    You can add this user to vROps by following the steps given in Specifying the VMware vCenter Details in vROps.

Adding a VMware vCenter in Network Director

To add a VMware vCenter in Network Director:

  1. Log in to the Network Director.
  2. Select Build mode and select Datacenter View s, from the Views list, click Setup Datacenter from the Tasks pane.

    The Setup Datacenter page opens.

  3. Enter a name for the data center.
  4. Click Next to specify details of the cloud infrastructure that the data center uses.
  5. In the Cloud Infrastructure wizard page, click Yes to specify the cloud infrastructure for your data center.
  6. Select VMware vCenter as the type of cloud infrastructure provider.
  7. Enter the IP address or the hostname of the vCenter.
  8. Specify the port that Network Director uses to connect to the server. The default port used to connect to a vCenter server is 443.

    You can modify the default and specify a port of your choice. If you do so, make sure to manually change the Junos Space firewall settings and apply those to the port you specify.

  9. Specify the administrator username and password for the server you selected.The username and password must match the name and password configured on the server.
  10. Click Next to specify the method that you want Network Director to use to build the data center network.
  11. Select the Juniper Networks devices that you want to add to the data center from the Available Devices table and click >> to add it to the Selected Devices table.

    If you want to remove a device from the Selected Devices table, select the device and click <<.

  12. Click Done to save the data center details.

    A message window opens, displaying the status of the cloud infrastructure discovery job name and job ID. Click OK.

    You can view the status of the discovery job in the Cloud Infrastructure Discovery Jobs page.

Network Director tries to discover the servers that you specified in the Cloud Infrastructure wizard page. Network Director then adds the remaining network infrastructure based on the details you specified in the Network Infrastructure wizard page. Once these two steps are complete, Network Director lists that data center along with the devices that are part of the network infrastructure under My Datacenters in the View pane.