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Network Director Mobile Dashboard Reference

The Dashboard contains monitors that show information about your entire managed network:

Network Summary Monitor

The Network Summary monitor contains these pie charts:

  • Devices By Family—Shows the distribution of devices based on device family.

  • Connection State—Shows the distribution of devices based on the status of the device’s connection to the Network Director server. The possible connection states are:

    • UP—Device is connected to Network Director.

    • DOWN—Device is not connected to Network Director.

    • N/A—Device connection state is not available.

  • Configuration State—Shows the distribution of devices based on whether the Network Director configuration is in sync with the device configuration. The possible configuration states for a device depend on its connection state:

    • When connection state is UP, the configuration state can be Out of Sync, Synchronizing, In Sync, or Sync Failed.

    • When connection state is DOWN, the configuration state is N/A.

Alarms Monitor

The Alarms monitor provides a quick summary of the critical, major, minor, and info alarms currently active in the network.

Select the Expand button in the right corner of the title bar to see detailed information about the alarms on the Alarms page.

On the Alarms page, you have the following options:

  • Select the Graph or List buttons to view the information in those formats.

    For a description of the information presented in the list view, see Table 1.

  • In the graph view, you can select By Severity, By Category, or By State to see the distribution of active alarms by those properties.

Select Back to return to the Dashboard.

Table 1: Network Director Mobile Alarm Details Fields




The alarm name.

Alarm Severity

The severity of the alarm. Severity levels are:

  • Critical—A critical condition exists; immediate action is necessary.

  • Major—A major error has occurred; escalate or notify as necessary.

  • Minor—A minor error has occurred; notify or monitor the condition.

  • Info—An informational message; no action is necessary.

Entity ID

The identification of the entity responsible for causing this alarm. The Entity ID is the key for correlating events into an alarm. The Entity ID could be an IP address of the device.

Assigned to

If the alarm is assigned to an individual, it shows the name of that person; otherwise, it shows System to mark that the alarm is still unassigned.

Last Updated On

The date and time that the information for the alarm was last modified.

Top Sessions Monitor

The Top Sessions monitor contains a bar chart showing the eight user sessions that are currently using the most bandwidth.

Select the Expand button in the top right corner of the title bar to see detailed information on the Top Sessions page. On the Top Sessions page, you have the following options:

  • Select Top Sessions By User to see sessions that are identified by their user.

  • Select Top Sessions By MAC to see sessions that are identified by their MAC address.

  • Select the Graph or List buttons to view the information in those formats.

    For a description of the information presented in the list view, see Table 2.

  • Select the time period to display from the list in the title bar.

Select Back to return to the Dashboard.

Table 2: Network Director Mobile Top Session Details

Table Column



Client’s user name.

Total Data Usage (KBytes)

The session’s total data usage. Appears when any time period other than Current is selected.

Number of Sessions

Number of sessions.

Ports Monitor

The Ports monitor shows information about the network’s device ports:

  • Admin Status—Shows the number of ports that are up and down.

  • Free Vs Used—Shows the number of ports that are free and the number that are used.

Select the Expand button in the top right corner of the title bar to see detailed information on the Ports page. On the Ports page, you have the option to view ports by admin status or by free versus used status.

Select Back to return to the Dashboard.

Session Count Monitor

The Session Count monitor shows the number of active user sessions on the network.

Session Trend Monitor

The Session Trend monitor contains a line graph that shows the number of active user sessions on the network over time.