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Overview of Domains in Security Director

A domain is a logical mapping of objects, such as devices, to users who access and manage the network by using these objects. Junos Space allows a hierarchal structure for domains. The top-level domain is called the Global domain. You can create a hierarchy of up to five levels of subdomains under the Global domain. You can use these subdomains to create easily manageable sections of your network. When you assign objects and users to these subdomains, users can manage these objects partially or completely based on the roles assigned to them.

You can assign or unassign users and remote profiles to domains, and assign devices to domains.

Switching Between Domains

If you have access to more than one domain, you can switch between domains without having to log out and in to Security Director. To switch between domains, click the Domain Switcher in the Security Director banner, which is displayed at the top of every Security Director page, and then select the domain to which you want to switch.