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Report Definition Main Page Fields

Use this page to get an overall, high‐level view of your report definition settings. You can filter and sort this information to get a better understanding of what you want to configure. Table 1 describes the fields on the Report Definitions page and Table 2 describes the predefined report definitions.

Table 1: Report Definition Main Page Fields




Name of the report (user‐created or predefined).


Description of the report definition.

Definition Type

Predefined report or Custom report.


Type of report definition used such as log reports, bandwidth report, or policy analysis reports.

Report Content

Details of the sections in the report such as Top Applications, Top Applications Blocked, Top Roles, and so on.


Report generation schedule such as daily, weekly, or monthly.


Recipients of the generated reports.

Last Generated

Time when the last report was generated, along with the status.

Job ID

Job ID of the report.

  • Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 17.1, Antivirus, URL Report, Application and User Usage, IPS Threat Environment, and Threat Report predefined report definitions are added.

  • Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 16.2, IPS Report predefined report definition is added, which displays consolidated report of all IPS events.

  • Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 16.1, Top Destination Countries and Top Source Countries predefined report definitions are added.

  • Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 15.2, Top Firewall Rules and Top Encrypted Applications predefined report definitions are added.

Table 2: Predefined Report Definitions



Top Firewall Service Deny

Displays report on top firewall service deny.

Top Services Detected

Displays report on top services detected in system by firewall.

Top Applications Blocked

Displays reports on top applications blocked.

Top Firewall Rules

Displays report on top firewall generating logs.

Top Source IPs

Displays report on top source IP addresses by count.

Top Source Countries

Displays report on top source IP addresses by countries.

Top Roles

Displays reports on top roles by count.

Top Destination Countries

Displays report on top destinations IP addresses by countries.

Top URLs Detected

Displays report on top URLs detected.

Top Firewall Deny Sources

Displays report on top firewall deny sources IP addresses.

Top SECINTEL and AAMW events

Displays report on top security intelligence and AAMW events.

Top Destination IPs

Displays report on top destination IP addresses by count.

Top Encrypted Applications

Displays report on top applications that are using encryption.

Top Web Apps

Displays reports on top Web applications by count.

Top Firewall Events

Displays report on top firewall events by count.

Top Anti Spam Detected

Displays report on top antispam detected.

Top Firewall Deny Destinations

Displays report on top firewall deny destinations IP addresses.

IPS Report

Displays a consolidated report on all IPS events statistics.


Displays a consolidated report on all antivirus events statistics.

URL Report

Displays a consolidated report on all URL events statistics.

Application and User Usage

Displays a report on the bandwidth usage statistics by application and user.

Top Talkers

Displays a report on the source IPs, with the highest bandwidth usage or maximum sessions, over a specified period.

IPS Threat Environment

Displays a consolidated report on all IPS threat events.

Threat Report

Displays the statistics related to top threats identified through IDP, Antivirus, Antispam, Screen, and Device Authentication failure events.

Threat Application Risk Assessment

Displays the statistics of threats and risks like top high risk applications, Threats and Malware, Top Bandwidth Usage by Apps and Top Malware Source Countries and so on for application risk assessment, threat and malware assessment, and user and web access assessment.

URLs visited per User

Displays statistics related to a specific user. You can generate the report using run now option, preview as PDF or send it over an email. You can choose to have a complete record or top ten records for a user.

The report displays various statistics for users such as top URLs by session, top high risk URLs visited, total bandwidth used by high risk URL categories, breakdown of URL categories visited, total session used on risky URLs, and so on.

Release History Table
Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 17.1, Antivirus, URL Report, Application and User Usage, IPS Threat Environment, and Threat Report predefined report definitions are added.
Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 16.2, IPS Report predefined report definition is added, which displays consolidated report of all IPS events.
Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 16.1, Top Destination Countries and Top Source Countries predefined report definitions are added.
Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 15.2, Top Firewall Rules and Top Encrypted Applications predefined report definitions are added.