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Security Devices Main Page Fields

Use this page to view the security devices managed by Junos Space. You can perform various actions such as uploading keys, modifying the device configuration, updating devices, viewing and importing device changes, viewing the inventory details, and so on. You can filter and sort the devices displayed, and view the details of each device. Table 1 describes the fields on this page.

Table 1: Security Devices Main Page Fields



Device Name

Name of the managed device.

You can view both LSYS and TSYS devices. Click on the link to view the device list.

IP Address

IP address of the device.

OS Version

Operating system firmware version running on the device (This field displays Unknown for an unmanaged device.)

Schema Version

Device Management Interface (DMI) schema version that Junos Space uses for the device. (This field displays Unknown for an unmanaged device.)


Average CPU usage of a device that displays the CPU usage of both a control plane and a forwarding plane. Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 16.1, for an SRX Series chassis cluster, you can view the usage of an individual user’s CPU. Hover over the CPU meter to view the usage as a percentage.


Average partition usage of a device. Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 16.1R1, for an SRX Series chassis cluster, you can view the usage of an individual user’s partition. Hover over the storage meter to view the usage as a percentage.

Authentication Status

Authentication status of the device:

  • Key Based—The authentication key was successfully uploaded.

  • Credential Based—A key upload was not attempted; log in to this device with your credentials.

  • Key Based - Unverified—The new fingerprint on the device is not updated in the Junos Space database.

  • Key Conflict - Unverified—Key upload was unsuccessful, the new fingerprint on the device is not updated in the Junos Space database.

  • Credentials Based - Unverified—The new fingerprint on the device is not updated in the Junos Space database.

  • Key Conflict—The device was not available; the key upload was unsuccessful.

  • Fingerprint Conflict—The fingerprint stored in the Junos Space database differs from the fingerprint on the device.

  • NA—The device is unmanaged.

Connection Status

Connection status of the device in Junos Space. Different values are displayed in network as system of record (SOR) and Junos Space as SOR modes:

  • Up—The device is connected to Junos Space. When the connection status is up, in network as SOR mode, the Configuration Status is Out Of Sync, Synchronizing, In Sync, or Sync Failed. In Junos Space as SOR mode, the status is In Sync, Device Changed, Space Changed, Both Changed, or Unknown (which usually means connecting).

  • Down—The device is not connected to Junos Space. When the Connection status is down, the Configuration Status is None or Connecting.

  • NA—The device is unmanaged.

Feed Source

Type of source from where threat feeds are received.

Feed Source Status

Status of the feed source.

Managed Status

  • In Sync

  • SD Changed

  • Device Changed

  • SD Changed, Device Changed


Model number of the device (For an unmanaged device, the platform details are discovered through SNMP. If the platform details cannot be discovered, the field displays Unknown.)

Pending Services

List of the policy names that are assigned and published. Versioning information is included for firewall and NAT policies.

Configuration Status

Current state of the device configuration:

  • Connecting—Junos Space has sent a connection remote procedure call (RPC) and is waiting for the first connection from the device.

  • Undefined—The device is in this state only for a short period when Junos Space is set as the SOR.

  • Unknown—This state occurs in the following cases:

    • When the device disconnects from Junos Space. The device status remains Unknown until the device reconnects to Junos Space and the configuration status of the device is checked against the Junos Space database. It will be in this state until the device connects

    • If Junos Space is trying to push or synchronize changes to the device based on the workflow for accepting or rejecting out-of-band changes on the device and the push or synchronize fails.

  • In Sync—The synchronization operation has completed successfully; Junos Space and the device are synchronized.

  • None—The device is discovered, but Junos Space has not yet sent a connection RPC.

  • Out Of Sync—In network as SOR mode, the device has connected to Junos Space, but the synchronization operation has not been initiated, or an out-of-band configuration change on the device was detected and auto-resynchronization is disabled or has not yet started.

  • Sync Failed—The synchronization operation failed.

  • Synchronizing—The synchronization operation has started as a result of device discovery, a manual resynchronization operation, or an automatic resynchronization operation.

  • Space Changed—In Junos Space as SOR mode, there are changes made to the device configuration from Junos Space.

  • Device Changed—In Junos Space as SOR mode, there are changes made to the device configuration from the device CLI.

  • Space & Device Changed—In Junos Space as SOR mode, there are changes made to the device configuration from the device CLI and Junos Space. Neither automatic nor manual resynchronization is available.

  • In-RMA—The configuration of the defective device is maintained in Junos Space so that the device can be reconnected and managed when it is replaced.

  • Reactivating—The defective device has been replaced and the reactivation of the replacement device to bring it back under management has started.

  • Reactivate Failed—The operation to reactivate the device has failed.

  • Unmanaged—The device is unmanaged.

  • Waiting for deployment—The modeled device is unreachable and needs to be activated.

  • Modeled—The device is modeled.


Average RAM usage of a device that displays the RAM usage of both a control plane and a forwarding plane. Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 16.1R1, for an SRX Series chassis cluster, you can view the usage of an individual user’s RAM. Hover over the RAM meter to view the usage as a percentage.

Device Family

Device family of the selected device. (For an unmanaged device, this is the same as the vendor name provided. The field displays Unknown if no vendor name was provided and if SNMP is not used or has failed.)

Serial Number

Serial number of the device chassis (This field displays Unknown for an unmanaged device.)

Assigned Services

List of all assigned services: firewall, NAT, IPS, and VPN. When a device is assigned to any firewall policy including NAT, IPS and VPN, the policy name is displayed.

Installed Services

List of the policy names that are published and updated to the device (this includes policy names for firewall, NAT, IPS, and VPN). Versioning information is included for firewall and NAT policies.

Fab Link Status

  • Up

  • Down

Control Link Status

  • Up

  • Down


Domain to which the device belongs.

Last Rebooted Time

Date and time when the device was last rebooted manually (that is, the device status changes from Down to Up) or from Junos Space.

Release History Table
Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 16.1, for an SRX Series chassis cluster, you can view the usage of an individual user’s CPU.
Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 16.1R1, for an SRX Series chassis cluster, you can view the usage of an individual user’s partition.
Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 16.1R1, for an SRX Series chassis cluster, you can view the usage of an individual user’s RAM.