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Overview of Users in Security Director

Junos Space Security Director supports the authentication and authorization of users. A Junos Space Super Administrator or User Administrator creates users and assigns roles to the users so that they can access and manage users, devices, services, and so on. To access and manage Junos Space Security Director, a user must be assigned one or more roles, which are validated during authorization.

Users receive permission to perform tasks only through the roles that they are assigned. In most cases, a single role assignment enables a user to view and to perform tasks on the objects within a workspace. For example, a user assigned the Device Manager role can discover devices, resynchronize devices, view the physical inventory and interfaces for devices, and delete managed devices. A user that is assigned the User Administrator role can create, modify, and delete other users in Junos Space, and perform actions, like creating, modifying, deleting, and so on, specific to roles, domains, and remote profiles.

Junos Space is shipped with the superuser account (username super) that has Super Administrator privileges, which provides full access to Junos Space. When you first log in to Junos Space as the default Super Administrator, you can perform all tasks and access all Junos Space system resources. Super administrators can create new users and assign roles and domains to those users to specify which tasks users can perform.