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Editing Alert Definitions

To edit an alert definition:

  1. Select Alerts & Alarms > Alert Definitions.
  2. Select the alert.
  3. On the upper right side of the Alert Definitions page, click the pencil icon.

    The alert definitions options are displayed. See Table 1 for options available for editing.

  4. Click OK.
Table 1: Alert Definitions Settings




Alert Name

Enter a unique string of alphanumeric characters, colons, periods, dashes, and underscores. No spaces are allowed and the maximum length is 63 characters.

Alert Description

Enter a description for the alerts; maximum length is 1024 characters.

Alert Type

Displays the type of alert that is system based.


Select the Active check box to view only the active alerts.


Select the severity level of the alert: Info, minor, major, critical.


Select Devices

Select all devices or specific devices. By default, data is displayed for all the devices in the network.

If you choose the Selective option, select devices from the Available column and click the right arrow to move these devices to the Selected column and click OK.


Data Criteria

Specifies the data criteria based on the Time period, Group By, and Filter By option. Filtered data only displays the subset of data that meets the criteria that you specify.

To edit the data criteria:

  • Click the Edit data criteria from filters link. The Add Saved Filters page appears.

  • Select the filters to be added.

  • Click OK.

Time Span

Specify the time period for triggering an alert.

Number of Events

Enter the event threshold (number of logs for each category). An alert triggers if the number exceeds the specified threshold.


Email address(es)

Specify the e‐mail addresses for the recipients of the alert notification.

Custom Message

Enter a custom string for identifying the type of alert in the alert notification e‐mail.