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Creating Customized Roles in Security Director

Use the Roles page to create customized (user-defined) roles.

After you create roles, you can assign the roles to various user accounts that you created in Junos Space or to remote profiles for remote authorization. Roles allow you to segregate users based on the functionality that they are allowed to access.

When a user logs in to Junos Space, the workspaces that the user can access and the tasks that they can perform are determined by the roles that have been assigned to that particular user account.

Before You Begin

To configure a role:

  1. Select Administration > Users & Roles > Roles.

    The Roles page appears.

  2. Click Create.

    The Create Role page appears.

  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  4. Click OK.

    A new role is created and you are returned to the Roles page.

Table 1: Role Settings




Enter a unique title for the role that is a string containing alphanumeric characters, spaces, and some special characters (- . _). The title must not start with a space and the maximum length is 32 characters.


Enter a description unique string containing alphanumeric characters, spaces, and some special characters (- . _). The maximum length is 256 characters.


Select one or more tasks to assign to the custom (user-defined) Role. You must associate at least one task with a role.