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Viewing the Device Discovery Profile Details in Security Director

You can view the details of device discovery profiles, which allows you to view information about a device discovery profile at a quick glance on one page, from the Device Discovery page.

To configure a device discovery profile:

  1. Select Devices > Device Discovery.

    The Device Discovery page appears.

  2. Double-click the discovery profile for which you want to view the details. Alternatively, select the discovery profile and from the More or right-click menu, select View.

    The View Discovery Profile page appears. Table 1 describes the fields on this page.

  3. Click OK.

    You are returned to the Device Discovery page

Table 1: View Discovery Profile Page Fields



Device Target

Discovery Profile Name

Name of the device discovery profile

Target Type

Indicates the type of target used to discover devices (IP address, IP address range, IP subnet, hostname, or imported from a comma-separated values (CSV) file).

Target Details

Indicates the value of the specified target type. For example, if the target type is IP range, then the IP address range is displayed.


Use Ping

Indicates whether ping is enabled for device discovery or not.


Indicates whether SNMP is enabled for device discovery or not.

SNMP Version

If SNMP is enabled, indicates the version of SNMP used for device discovery.


Displays the community string used for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c.


For SNMPv3, indicates the username of the user that is used for authentication on the device.

Privacy Type

Indicates the type of privacy used for SNMPv3.


Indicates whether key-based authentication is used or not.


Authentication Type

Indicates whether the authentication is credential-based or key-based.


Displays the username for credential-based or key-based authentication.



Displays the hostname or IP address of the device.


Displays the fingerprint for the device.