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Connecting to a Device by Using SSH in Security Director

You can establish an SSH connection to a device from the Security Devices page. You can also establish multiple SSH sessions to the same device. A new SSH terminal window is opened for every new connection to the device.


Some browser plug-ins might cause undesirable behavior in open SSH windows; disabling such plug-ins might resolve the issue.

Before you open an SSH session to connect to a managed device, ensure that:

  • You have the privileges of a Super Administrator or Device Manager.

  • The status of the managed device is UP.


Once launched, the SSH window appears in a new window. Ensure that you enable pop-ups on your browser for the device for which the application is being launched.

To connect to a device by using SSH:

  1. Select Devices > Security Devices.

    The Security Devices page appears.

  2. Select the device to which you want to connect. From the More or right-click menu, select Access > SSH to Device.

    The SSH to Device page appears in a new tab or browser window.

  3. Specify the login credentials according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  4. Click Connect to log in to the device..

    Junos Space validates the fingerprint stored in the database with that on the device. If the fingerprints on the device match the fingerprints in the database, the SSH terminal is displayed. If the fingerprints do not match, you need to acknowledge the device SSH fingerprints. See Resolving Key Conflicts in Security Director.

  5. Terminate the SSH session by typing exit at the command prompt, and then press Enter.
  6. Click the X button in the browser window or tab to close the SSH window.
Table 1: SSH to Device Settings



IP Address

Displays the IP address of the device.


Enter the username of the user on the device.


Enter the corresponding password for user on the device.