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Modifying the ICAP Redirect Profile for Security Devices

You can use the ICAP Redirect Profile section on Modify configuration page to configure the ICAP redirect profile. You can create, edit or delete an ICAP Redirect Profile. The ICAP server profile allows the ICAP server to process request messages, response messages, fallback options, and so on, for the permitted traffic.


Refer to the Junos OS documentation (available at for a particular release and device. There you can find detailed information on the configuration parameters for that device.

To modify ICAP Redirect Profile:

  1. Select Devices > Security Devices.

    The Security Devices page appears.

  2. Select a device to modify the configuration.
  3. From the More option or right-click menu, select Configuration > Modify Configuration.

    The Modify Configuration page appears.

  4. Click the ICAP Redirect link in the left-navigation menu.

    The ICAP Redirect Profile page is displayed. The existing ICAP Redirect profiles if any, are displayed in the table.

    See Table 1 for the list of actions that you can perform in this page.

  5. After modifying the configuration, you can cancel the changes, save the changes, preview the changes, or save the changes and deploy the configuration on the device. See Modifying the Configuration of Security Devices.
Table 1: ICAP Redirect Profile actions



Create an ICAP Redirect Profile

Click the + icon to create an ICAP Redirect Profile.

The Add ICAP Redirect Profile page appears. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 2 and click OK.

Modify an ICAP Redirect Profile

Select an ICAP Redirect profile from the table and click the pencil icon.

The Modify ICAP Redirect Profile page appears, which shows the same fields as create an ICAP Redirect Profile page. You can modify some of the fields on this page. See Table 2 for more details on the fields. Click OK to save the changes.

Delete an ICAP Redirect Profile

Select one or more ICAP Redirect profiles that you want to delete, and click the bin icon to delete the profiles.

The Warning page appears. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Show Hide Columns

Select to show or hide various parameters in the grid table.

Table 2: Create an ICAP Redirect Profile




Enter a valid ICAP service profile name.


Enter the server response timeout in milliseconds. Timeout is the interval after which the server is considered inactive if there is no response from the server.

The range is 100 through 50000.

HTTP Redirect Option  


Select the Allow check box to enable redirect service on HTTP request.


Select the Allow check box to enable redirect service on HTTP response.

ICAP Server

You can perform the following actions on this page:

  • Create an ICAP Redirect Server— Click the + icon to create an ICAP Redirect Server.

    The Create ICAP Redirect Server page appears. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 3 and click OK.

    The ICAP Redirect Server is created and you are returned to the ICAP Redirect Profile page.

  • Edit an ICAP Redirect Server— Select an ICAP Redirect Server and click the pencil icon to modify the settings.

    The Modify ICAP Redirect Server page appears, showing the same fields that are presented when you create an ICAP Redirect Server. You can modify some of the fields on this page. See Table 3 for an explanation of the fields.

    After you have modified the ICAP Redirect Server, click OK. The changes are saved and you are returned to the ICAP Redirect Server Profile page.

Fallback Option  

Timeout Action

Select a valid timeout option from the dropdown list.

Request an action to the server in an event of failure, when you do not receive response within a specified time period.

Connectivity Action

Select a connectivity action from the list when there is connection issue and request cannot be sent out.

Default Action

Select a default action from the list to be taken when there are cases other than Timeout and Connectivity issue..

Table 3: Create an ICAP Redirect Server Settings




Enter an ICAP Redirect server name.

Host Type

Select the type of host, name or IP address.

  • Host Name– Enter a valid host name.


    Host name appears when you select host type as name.

  • Host IP– Enter a valid host IP address.


    Host IP address appears when you select host type as IP


Enter a valid ICAP server listening port.


Enter the number of connections to create the ICAP service.


Authorization Type

Specify the type of authentication.

Credential Type

Select the type of credential for the authentication.

The available options are:

  • ASCII, and

  • Base64.


Based on the Credential Type that you choose, enter the ASCII string or Base64 string.


Request MOD

Enter the path to the service that handles Request Modification (REQMOD) requests.

Response MOD

Enter the path to the service that handles Response Modification (RESPMOD) requests.

Routing Instance

Select a virtual router that is used for launching the service.

SSL Initiation Profile

Select a SSL initiation profile.