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Creating Remote Profiles in Security Director

Use the Create Remote Profile page to create a new remote profile and assign one or more roles and domains to the remote profile. You must associate at least one role and one domain with a remote profile. Remote profiles are used to authenticate users remotely.

Before You Begin

To configure a remote profile:

  1. Select Administration > Users & Roles > Remote Profiles.

    The Remote Profiles page appears.

  2. Click Create.

    The Create Remote Profile page appears.

  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.

    Fields marked with * are mandatory

  4. Click OK.

    A new remote profile is created and you are returned to the Remote Profiles page.

Table 1: Remote Profile Settings



Role assignment


Enter a unique string containing alphanumeric characters and some special characters (- . _). No spaces are allowed and the maximum length is 32 characters.


Enter a unique string containing alphanumeric characters and some special characters (- . _). The maximum length is 256 characters.

Job Management View

Select whether the user assigned to the remote profile can view only the jobs triggered by that remote profile or all jobs.


Select one or more roles in the Available column and click the forward arrow to confirm your selection.

The selected roles are displayed in the Selected column.


You must select at least one role.

Click Next to continue.

Domain Assignment

Available Domains

Select one or more domains to assign to the remote profile. If you select a domain with subdomains, the subdomains are also included. You must select at least one domain.

If you do not assign a domain to the user, the Global domain is assigned to the user by default.

Click Back to return to the previous section or Finish to go to a summary page.