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Creating Services and Service Groups

Before You Begin

  • Read the topic.

  • Gather all the information for the protocols you are using to create the service, including source and destination ports and protocol type such as TCP or UDP.

  • Check to see if cloning an existing service might be more efficient than creating a new one.

  • Review the services main page for an understanding of your current data set. See for field descriptions.

A service in Security Director refers to an application on a device, such as Domain Name Service (DNS). Services are based on protocols and ports used by an application, and when added to a policy, a configured service can be applied across all devices managed by Security Director. Once you create a service, you can combine it with other services to form a service group. Service groups are useful when you want to apply the same policy to multiple services.

The protocols available to create a service include: TCP, UDP, SUN-RPC, MS-RPC, ICMP, ICMPv6, and Other.

During a device update, you can delete all unused services and service groups by selecting an option available under Update Device in Junos Space. By default, this option is enabled when you perform a fresh install of Security Director or upgrade from the previous release.


There are Juniper Networks defined service objects for commonly used services, but you cannot modify or delete them. These services appear when you install a fresh version of Security Director.

To configure a service:

  1. Select Configure > Shared Objects > Services.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines in Table 1 through Table 3.
  4. Click OK.

A new service or service group with your configurations is created. You can use this object in policies. You can also assign it to a domain; see Assigning Policies and Profiles to Domains.

Table 1: Service Settings



General Information

Object Type

Select Service or Service Group. If you select Service Group, then the screen changes so you can select the services you want to include in your service group.


Required. Enter a unique name for the service. It must begin with an alphanumeric character and cannot exceed 63 characters. Dashes and underscores are allowed.


Enter a description for your service. You should make this description as useful as possible for all administrators.

Create Protocol


Enter a unique name for the protocol. It must begin with an alphanumeric character and cannot exceed 63 characters. Dashes and underscores are allowed.


Enter a description for your protocol. It cannot exceed 1,024 characters.


Select a type of protocol and fill in the corresponding fields. Available types are: TCP, UDP, ICMP, SUN-RPC, MS-RPC, ICMPv6, and Other. If you select TCP, continue with this table. See Table 2 for the other protocol types.

Destination Port

Enter a destination port number for TCP. This is a value or value range from 0 through 65,535.

If you do not provide any value in the destination port field, a message is displayed that the default value will be Any. “Any” represents null or empty. Click Cancel and enter the destination port or click OK to continue with the default value.

Advanced Settings

Enable Inactivity Timeout

Selected by default. Enter a timeout value for this protocol in seconds or minutes. The maximum values are 129,600 seconds and 2,160 minutes.


Select an ALG (Application Layer Gateway) service option if applicable.

Source Ports and Port Ranges

Enter the source port or port range for the protocol.

If you do not provide any value in the source port field, a message is displayed that the default value will be Any. “Any” represents null or empty. Click Cancel and enter the source port or click OK to continue with the default value.


Starting in Security Director Release 18.3R1, you cannot create a service object with duplicate protocol details such as name, destination port, timeout duration, and source port or port ranges. The creation of services with duplicate content is based on the shared objects settings in Junos Space Network Management Platform.

By default, you can create duplicate service objects. If you do not want to allow creation of duplicate services in Security Director, go to Network Management Platform and select Administration>Application>Modify Application Settings>Shared Objects. Select the check box to prevent creation of services with duplicate content. When any duplicate content is selected in Security Director, an error message is displayed.

Table 2 includes the settings and guidelines for the various protocol types.

Table 2: Create Protocol Type Settings




Destination Port

Enter a destination port number for UDP. This is a value or value range from 0 through 65,535.

If you do not provide any value in the destination port field, a message is displayed that the default value will be Any. “Any” represents null or empty. Click Cancel to enter the destination port or click OK to continue with the default value.

Advanced Settings

Enable Inactivity Timeout

Selected by default. Enter a timeout value for this protocol in seconds or minutes. The maximum values are 129,600 seconds and 2,160 minutes.


Select an ALG (Application Layer Gateway) service option if applicable.

Source Ports and Port Ranges

Enter a source port or port range for UDP. This is a value or value range from 0 through 65,535.

If you do not provide any value in the source port field, a message is displayed that the default value will be Any. “Any” represents null or empty. Click Cancel to enter the source port or click OK to continue with the default value.


Enable Inactivity Timeout

Selected by default. Enter a timeout value for this protocol in seconds or minutes. The maximum values are 129,600 seconds and 2,160 minutes.


Enter a value from 0 through 225 for the ICMP message type. For example, enter 1 for host unreachable. You can find these values in RFC 792.


Enter a value from 0 through 225 for the ICMP code. For example, enter 0 for echo reply. You can find these values in RFC 792.


Destination Port (available if Enable ALG is selected)

Enter a destination port for SUN-RPC. This is a value or value range from 0 through 65,535.

If you do not provide any value in the destination port field, a message is displayed that the default value will be Any. “Any” represents null or empty. Click Cancel to enter the destination port or click OK to continue with the default value.

Enable Inactivity Timeout

Selected by default. Enter a timeout value for this protocol in seconds or minutes. The maximum values are 129,600 seconds and 2,160 minutes.

Enable ALG

Not selected by default. If you enable ALG for this protocol, you must enter a destination port in the field that becomes available.

RPC Program Number

Enter a value or value range for the RPC (remote procedure call) service. For example, enter 100,017 for remote execution. You can find these values in RFC 5531.

Protocol Type

Select TCP or UDP for the protocol type.


Destination Port (available if Enable ALG is selected)

Enter a destination port for MS-RPC. This is a value or value range from 0 through 65,535.

If you do not provide any value in the destination port field, a message is displayed that the default value will be Any. “Any” represents null or empty. Click Cancel to enter the destination port and click OK to continue with the default value.

Enable Inactivity Timeout

Selected by default. Enter a timeout value for this protocol in seconds or minutes. The maximum values are 129,600 seconds and 2,160 minutes.

Enable ALG

Not selected by default. If you enable ALG for this protocol, you must enter a destination port number in the field that becomes available.


Enter the corresponding UUID value for the MS-RPC service. For predefined values, refer to MS-RPC UUID Mappings.

Protocol Type

Select TCP or UDP for the protocol type.


Enable Inactivity Timeout

Selected by default. Enter a timeout value for this protocol in seconds or minutes. The maximum values are 129,600 seconds and 2,160 minutes.


Enter a value from 0 through 225 for the ICMPv6 message type. You can find these values in RFC 4443.


Enter a value from 0 through 225 for the ICMPv6 code. You can find these values in RFC 4443.

Destination Port

Use other to create protocols that do not match the provided type categories. Enter a destination port for the other protocol. This is a value or value range from 0 through 65,535.

If you do not provide any value in the destination port field, a message is displayed that the default value will be Any. “Any” represents null or empty. Click Cancel to enter the destination port and click OK to continue with the default value.

Advanced Settings

Enable Inactivity Timeout

Selected by default. Enter a timeout value for this protocol in seconds or minutes. The maximum values are 129,600 seconds and 2,160 minutes.


Select an ALG (Application Layer Gateway) service option if applicable.

Source Ports and Port Ranges

Enter the source port or port range for the other protocol.

If you do not provide any value in the source port field, a message is displayed that the default value will be Any. “Any” represents null or empty. Click Cancel to enter the source port or click OK to continue with the default value.

Protocol Number

Enter a protocol number for the protocol type. RFC 791 contains a list of protocols and their corresponding numbers. This number identifies the service in the next higher level in the protocol stack to which data is passed.

Table 3 includes the settings and guidelines for service groups.

Table 3: Service Group Settings



General Information

Object Type

Select Service Group. When you select Service Group, then the screen changes so you can select the services you want to include in your service group.


Enter a unique name for the service group. It must begin with an alphanumeric character and cannot exceed 63 characters. Dashes and underscores are allowed.


Enter a description for your service group. You should make this description as useful as possible for all administrators.


Select the check box beside each service you want to include in the service group. Click the arrow to move the selected service or services from the Available column to the Selected column. Note that you can use the fields at the top of each column to search for listed services.

If the selected service groups are already available, the creation of service groups with duplicate content is based on the shared objects settings in Junos Space Network Management Platform.

By default, you can create duplicate service groups. If you do not want to allow creation of duplicate service groups in Security Director, go to Network Management Platform and select Administration>Application>Modify Application Settings>Shared Objects. Select the check box to prevent creation of service groups with duplicate content. When any duplicate content is selected in Security Director, an error message is displayed.