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Launching a Web User Interface of a Device in Security Director

You can access the Web User Interface of a device to manage it directly from Security Director. The device should have the required Web UI components installed and enabled.


Once launched, the Web UI appears in a new tab in your browser. Ensure that you enable pop-ups on your browser for the device for which the Web UI is being launched.

To launch the Web UI of a device:

  1. Select Devices > Security Devices.

    The Security Devices page appears.

  2. Select the device for which you want to launch the Web UI. From the More or right-click menu, select Access > Launch Device WebUI.

    The Juniper Web Device Manager page appears in a new tab or browser window.

  3. Specify the login credentials according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  4. Click Log In to log in to the device.

    If the authentication credentials are correct, you are logged in to the device and can perform the desired operations on the device.

Table 1: Juniper Web Device Manager Settings




Username of the user on the device.


Password of the user on the device.