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Viewing the Details of a Job in Security Director

You can view the details of a job, which allows you to view information about the job at a quick glance on one page, from the Job Management page.

To view the details of a job:

  1. Select Monitor > Job Management.

    The Job Management page appears.

  2. Double-click the job for which you want to view the details. Alternatively, select the job and from the More or right-click menu, select View Job Details.

    The Job Details page appears. The fields displayed vary depending on the job:

    • For a Discover Network Elements job, the IP Address and Hostname fields are displayed.

    • For some jobs, the details of the job are displayed in a table. For example, for device discovery jobs, the device targets and their statuses are displayed; for network resynchronization jobs, the device IP addresses and their status are displayed.

    • For some jobs, like Export Roles, Resync Network Elements, and so on, you can export the job details.

    • For some jobs, you can retrigger the failed job or retry the job on failed targets and you can schedule jobs to run immediately or later.

    Table 1 describes some of the fields on the Job Details page.

  3. Click OK.

    You are returned to the Job Management page.

Table 1: Job Details Fields



Job Type

Type of job. Job types indicate what tasks or operations are performed.

Job ID

ID of the job.

Job Name

Name of the job. For most jobs, the name is the job type with the job ID appended. However, for some jobs, the job name is supplied by the user as part of the workflow.

Job State

State of job execution:

  • Scheduled–Job is scheduled to run in the future.

  • Success–Job completed successfully.

  • Failure–Job failed and was terminated.

  • In Progress–Job is in progress.

  • Canceled–Job was canceled by a user.

  • Pending–Job is pending.


Percentage of the job that is completed.

User or Owner

Username of the owner who initiated the job.

Scheduled Start Time

Date and time when the job is scheduled to start.


The time is stored as UTC time in the database but mapped to the local time zone of the client from which the UI is accessed.

Actual Start Time

Time when Junos Space Platform begins to execute the job. In most cases, the actual start time is the same as the scheduled start time.

End Time

Time when the job was completed or terminated if the job execution failed.


Operations executed for the job.