Creating IPS Signatures
Before You Begin
Read the Understanding IPS Signatures topic
Have a basic understanding of what attacks and patterns are.
Review the IPS policy signatures main page for an understanding of your current data set. See IPS Policy Signatures Main Page Fields for field descriptions.
Use the Create IPS Signature page to monitor and prevent intrusions. The intrusion prevention system (IPS) compares traffic against signatures of known threats and blocks traffic when a threat is detected.
The signature database is one of the major components of IPS. It contains definitions of different objects, such as attack objects, application signature objects, and service objects, which are used in defining IPS policy rules. There are more than 8,500 signatures for identifying anomalies, attacks, spyware, and applications.
To keep IPS policies organized and manageable, attack objects can be grouped. An attack object group can contain one or more types of attack objects. Junos OS supports the following three types of attack groups:
IPS signature—Contains objects present in the signature database.
Dynamic—Contains attack objects based on certain matching criteria.
Static—Contains customer-defined attack groups and can be configured through the CLI.
To configure an IPS signature:
- Select Configure > IPS Policy > Signatures.
- Click Create.
- Select IPS Signature.
- Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in the Table 1.
- Click OK.
A new IPS signature with the predefined configurations is created. You can use this signature in IPS policies.
Settings |
Guidelines |
Name |
Enter a unique string of alphanumeric characters, colons, periods, dashes, and underscores. No spaces are allowed and the maximum length is 63 characters. |
Description |
Enter a description for the IPS signature; maximum length is 1024 characters. |
Category |
Enter a predefined or a new category. Use this category to group the attack objects. Within each category, attack objects are grouped by severity. For example: FTP, TROJAN, SNMP. |
Action |
Select an action you want IPS signature to take when the monitored traffic matches the attack objects specified in the rules:
Keywords |
Enter unique identifiers that can be used to search and sort log records. Keywords should related to the attack and the attack object. For example, Amanda Amindexd Remote Overflow. |
Severity |
Select a severity level for the attack that the signature will report:
The most dangerous level is critical, which attempts to crash your server or gain control of your network. Informational is the least dangerous level and is used by network administrators to discover holes in their security systems. |
Signature Details |
Binding |
Select an option to detect the service or protocol that the attack uses to enter your network:
Protocol |
Enter the name of the network protocol. For example: IGMP, IP‐IP. |
Next Header |
Enter the type of IP protocol for the header that immediately follows the IPv6 header. For example, if the device performs IPsec on exchanged packets, the Next Header value is probably 50 (ESP extension header) or 51 (AH extension header). |
Port Range(s) |
Enter the port ranges for TCP and UDP protocol types. |
Program Number |
Enter the program ID for the RPC protocol. |
Service |
Specify the service that the attack uses to enter your network. You can select the specific service used to perpetrate the attack as the service binding. For example, suppose you select the DISCARD service. Discard protocol is an Application Layer protocol where TCP/9, UDP/9 describes the process for discarding TCP or UDP data sent to port 9. |
Time Scope |
Select the scope within which the count of an attack occurs:
Time Count |
Specify the number of times that the attack object must detect an attack within the specified scope before the device considers the attack object to match the attack. The range is from 0 through 4,294,967,295. |
Match Assurance |
Specify this filter to track attack objects based on the frequency that the attack produces a false positive on your network. Select an option:
Performance Impact |
Specify this filter to filter out slow-performing attack objects. You can use this filter to only select the appropriate attacks based on performance impacts. Select an option:
Expression |
Enter a Boolean expression of attack members used to identify the way attack members should be matched. For example: m01 AND m02, where m01, m02 are the attack members. |
Scope |
Specify if the attack is matched within a session or across transactions in a session:
Reset |
Enable this option to generate a new log each time an attack is detected within the same session. If this option is not selected, then the attack is logged only once per session. |
Ordered |
Enable this option to create a compound attack object that must match each member signature or protocol anomaly in the order you specify. If you do not specify an order, the compound attack object still must match all members, but the pattern or protocol anomalies can appear in the attack in any order. A compound attack object detects attacks that use multiple methods to exploit a vulnerability. |
Add Signature |
Context |
Select an option to define the location of the signature. If you know the service and the specific service context, specify that service and then specify the appropriate service contexts. If you know the service, but are unsure of the specific service context, specify one of the general contexts. For example: line—Specify this context to detect a pattern match within a specific line within your network traffic. |
Direction |
Specify the connection direction of the attack:
Using a single direction (instead of Any) improves performance, reduces false positives, and increases detection accuracy. |
Pattern |
Enter a signature pattern of the attack you want to detect. A signature is a pattern that always exists within an attack; if the attack is present, so is the signature. To create the attack pattern, you must first analyze the attack to detect a pattern (such as a segment of code, a URL, or a value in a packet header), and then create a syntactical expression that represents that pattern. For example: Use \[<character-set>\] for case-insensitive matches. |
Regex |
Enter a regular expression to define rules to match malicious or unwanted behavior over the network. For example: For the syntax \[hello\], the expected pattern is hello, which is case sensitive. The example matches can be: hElLo, HEllO, and heLLO. |
Negated |
Select this option to exclude the specified pattern from being matched. Negating a pattern means that the attack is considered matched if the pattern defined in the attack does not match the specified pattern. |
Add Anomaly |
Anomaly |
Select an option to detect abnormal or ambiguous messages within a connection according to the set of rules for the particular protocol being used. Protocol anomaly detection works by finding deviations from protocol standards, most often defined by RFCs and common RFC extensions. |
Direction |
Specify the connection direction of the attack:
Using a single direction (instead of Any) improves performance, reduces false positives, and increases detection accuracy. |
Supported Detectors |
Click the Supported Detectors link to display a table that shows the device platforms and the version number of the IPS protocol detector currently running on the device. For example: