Running the Traffic Matrix Solver
Click the Design button to switch to Design mode and then select Design > T-Solve.
Figure 1: T-SolveInterface Egress File, Interface Ingress File, Known Demand Traffic Load File : The General tab will show the egress, ingress, and trafficload input files, which should have been loaded into the specification file prior to running the Traffic Matrix Solver, either through File > Load Network Files, or by specifying the file locations in the specification file.
Select the Period (1 to 24) from these input files for which the traffic matrix should be solved.
Note:If the period of “All” is selected, the design will be performed for all periods.
The Demand Shape Weight is used for traffic shaping based on the suggested bandwidths assigned to the flows in the demand file. By default, you can leave this number at 0.
The Design Loop Count is the number of iterations that the program will loop through as it converges on a traffic matrix solution that matches the measured interface and measured demand traffic results. The default value is 100.
The Minimum Seed Demand Bandwidth : Any flow with bandwidth less than this value will be changed to this value. The minimum seed demand bandwidth should be used if you wish for seed demands assigned zero bandwidth to be solved for. Default value is 1 bps.
The Maximum Bandwidth Difference Ratio is used to constrain the designed bandwiidth to be within a certain percentage of the measured flow bandwidth. It provides the maximum allowed ratio between the modeled demand bandwidth and trafficload (measured flow) bandwidth, as a fraction. For example, 0.1 would be used for 10% and 0.2 for 20%. You can use -1 for “don’t care” for the first iteration. If you trust the measured flow bandwidth, you can set this ratio to 0.
After entering in the desired parameters, the Traffic Matrix tool is now ready to compute the bandwidths to assign to the demands in the network. Click the Design button to begin.
If one of the provided inputs is the trafficload file, you will be prompted with a question such as the following: “Set demand bandwidth to traffic load at period <n>?” Answer “Yes” if you wish to initialize the demand bandwidths to the bandwidths given by the traffic load file for the selected period. Answer “No” if you wish to use initialize the demand bandwidths to the seed demand bandwidths. For either answer, the program will still take the trafficload file into account. Note that this initial demand matrix will also be used to derive the shaping matrix.
After running the design, check the results as described in the following sections. If you want to later undo the changes and restore the original state prior to running the traffic matrix solver, click the “Restore to Original” button.