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Uninstalling the NorthStar Controller Application

You can uninstall the NorthStar Controller application using the supplied uninstall script. One use case for uninstalling is to revert back to a previous version of NorthStar after testing a new version.

The following sections provide the steps to follow.

Uninstall the NorthStar Software

Use the following procedure to uninstall NorthStar:

  1. Preserve your license file by copying it to the root directory:

    You can also preserve any other important user or configuration data you have on the server using the same method.

  2. Navigate to the NorthStar bundle directory:
  3. Run the uninstall script:
  4. When prompted, confirm that you want to uninstall NorthStar.

Reinstate the License File

After you have reinstalled the NorthStar application, use the following procedure to reinstate the license file that you copied to the root directory:

  1. Copy the license file from the root directory back to its original directory:

    You can also restore any other data preserved in the root directory by copying it back to its original directory.

  2. Change the user and group ownership to pcs. This is likely unnecessary if you used -prv (preserve) in the copy command.