Unable to View Any Archived Networks
You cannot view any existing archived networks on the Archives tab (Network > Browser > Archives) in the Paragon Planner desktop application GUI.
It is likely that the /opt/northstar/data directory has no space available or has less space available than is required to store an archived network.
Use your server credentials to log in to the primary node of Paragon Automation.
From the primary node, use the following command to check the capacity of the /opt/northstar/data directory:
root@primary-node:~# kubectl get pvc -n northstar
Following is an example output that displays the capacity of the /opt/northstar/data directory:
NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE ns-data Bound pvc-f24d9e79-5bbe-4f12-ace3-aa4b3fd420b9 6Gi RWX rook-cephfs 48d
(Optional) From the primary node, use the following command to check the capacity and usage of the Ceph storage space:
root@primary-node:~# kubectl exec -ti -n rook-ceph $(kubectl get po -n rook-ceph -l app=rook-ceph-tools -o jsonpath={..metadata.name}) -- bash
[root@rook-ceph-tools-]# ceph status
Following is an example output:
data: volumes: 1/1 healthy pools: 11 pools, 177 pgs objects: 14.20k objects, 14GiB usage: 29GiB used, 71 GiB/100 GiB avail pgs: 14198/42594 objects degraded(33.333%) 120 active+undersized+degraded 57 active+undersized
This information is useful to understand the amount of storage allocation that you can increase for the /opt/northstar/data directory.
Use the following command to obtain the name of the pod associated with the scheduler process (that is, the dcscheduler pod):
root@primary-node:~# kubectl get pod -n northstar|grep dcscheduler
Use the following command to log in to the dcscheduler pod:
root@primary-node:~# kubectl exec -it dc-scheduler-pod-name -c dcscheduler -n northstar -- bash
In the command, dc-scheduler-pod-name is the name of the pod that you obtained in Step 4.
From the dcscheduler pod, use the following command to check the amount of free space available in the /opt/northstar/data directory:
root@dc-scheduler-pod-name:# df -h /opt/northstar/data
Following is an example output:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on Filesystem name 58G 14G 45G 24% /opt/northstar/data
If no free space is available in the directory, the Use% column in the output displays 0%.
If the percentage of space used is closer to the capacity of the directory, you can use one of the the following commands to make space in the directory:
To remove all directories created more than 24 hours ago (the recent directories might be in use):
root@dc-scheduler-pod-name:# ls -lrt
To remove a specific directory:
root@dc-scheduler-pod-name:# \rm -r directory-name
You can now check whether you can view any archived networks in the GUI. If you still cannot view any archived networks, contact the Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC).