Roles Overview
A role is a function assigned to a user that defines the tasks that the user can perform within Paragon Automation. Each user can be assigned one or more roles depending on the tasks that the user is expected to perform. User roles enable you to classify users based on the privileges assigned to them to perform tasks.
Types of Roles
Paragon automation provides the following two types of roles:
Predefined roles—System-defined roles with a set of predefined access privileges. Predefined roles are created while installing Paragon Automation. The predefined roles available are sp-admin and sp-operator.
Note:The other predefined roles available are tenant-admin, tenant-operator, opco-admin, and opco-operator. However, these roles are not supported in Paragon Automation.
Custom roles—User-defined roles with a set of access privileges. Custom roles can be created by the sp-admin or a user with the privilege to create users.
Access Privileges
User roles define the access privileges or permissions and actions to access objects (dashboard, device templates, devices, and so on) in Paragon Automation. For example, a user role can contain permissions to read device configurations and delete alarms and alerts objects.
Paragon Automation provides the following privileges:
Other actions; (for example, stage and deploy for the image objects).