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Paragon Automation User Guide
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Add LSPs (Tunnels)

date_range 25-Sep-23

Paragon Pathfinder allows you to add label-switched paths (LSPs) by using NETCONF or Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP). You can add RSVP, segment-routed (SR), or SRv6 LSPs and view the LSPs on the topology map. For more information about how Paragon Pathfinder handles LSPs, see Understand How Pathfinder Handles LSPs and Understand LSP Delegation and Undelegation.

  • LSPs are referred to as tunnels in the Paragon Automation GUI.

  • Before you add LSPs, ensure that you have completed the steps to acquire the network topology, as explained in Acquire and View Network Topology.

To add LSPs to your network:

  1. Add tunnels (LSPs) on the Topology page (Network > Topology) as follows:
    After you add the LSPs, the LSPs are listed on the Tunnels tab in the Network Information table of the Topology page.
  2. Verify that the LSPs are configured correctly. In the Tunnels tab of the Network Information table:
    1. Verify that the Operation Status field displays Active.
    2. Select the LSP and check the path of the LSP on the topology map.
    3. (Optional) Use the Diagnostic tool present on the top-right side of the Network Information Table to:
      • Check the details of the LSP, as configured on the router at the head-end of the LSP, to confirm that the LSP is configured correctly.

      • Send ping traffic over the LSP to check whether the Node A is able to reach the Node Z.

      • Send traceroute traffic over the LSP to check the intermediate nodes between the Node A and Node Z and any forwarding issues in the LSP.

    4. Check the traffic on and delay in the LSP by selecting the LSP and clicking View > Tunnel Traffic and View > Delay respectively.