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Paragon Automation User Guide
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Reset Your Password

date_range 25-Sep-23

Sometimes you may forget your password. In such a case, you can use the Forgot Password option to reset your old password and obtain a new password.


You cannot reset passwords for the predefined user(admin). You must contact your system administrator to obtain or reset passwords for the predefined user.

Users with sp-admin, sp-operator, and other custom roles must change the account passwords using the following procedure every 180 days.

To reset your password:

  1. On the Login page of Paragon Automation, in the Username field, enter your username in the format.
  2. Click the Forgot Password link that appears below the Log In button.

    A message appears stating that a mail is sent with a link to reset your password to your e-mail id.

  3. Open the mail and click the Reset Your Password link.

    The Reset Password page appears.

  4. In the New Password field, enter a new password.

    The password should be between 6 to 20 characters and must be a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

    A password strength indicator indicates the strength of your new password. A long green line indicates a strong password where as a short red line indicates a weak password. We recommend that you provide a strong password.

  5. In the Confirm Password field, enter the new password again for confirmation.
  6. Click OK to reset your password.

    A message indicating that your password is reset appears.

You can now log in to Paragon Automation with your new password.
