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Add a Network Cleanup Task

You can add a network cleanup task to clean up the network automatically. Automating this process saves time, especially in large networks.

To add a network cleanup task:

  1. Select Administration > Task Scheduler.

    The Task Scheduler page appears.

  2. Click the + (Add) icon.

    The Add Task page (wizard) appears.

  3. Configure the fields in each step of the wizard according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.

    Click Next to go to the next step.


    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  4. After you complete each step in the wizard, click Finish.
    A confirmation message appears on top of the page, indicating that the task is added successfully.

    The details of this task are displayed on the Task Scheduler page.

    You can view the post-cleanup topology on the Topology page (Network > Topology). To ensure that you have the latest topology, right-click the blank space in the topology map and select Reload Network. The latest topology is displayed in the topology map.

Table 1: Fields on the Add Task Wizard (Network Cleanup)



Add New Task

Task Name

Specify a unique name for the task. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters and some special characters (greater than (<), less than (<), colon (:), underscore (_), and hyphen (-)).

Task Group

From the list, select Utility Tasks.

Task Type

From the list, select Network Cleanup.

Network Cleanup Task

Network Cleanup Options

Select one or more of the following options. By default, all the available options are selected except Force remove links with user attributes.

  • Purge down links—If you select this option, the links that are down are removed from the live network and database.

  • Force remove links with user attributes—If you select this option, the links that have custom attributes defined in the controller are removed from the live network and database.

  • Purge down nodes—If you select this option, the nodes that are down are removed from the live network and database.

  • Generate purge report—If you select this option, a report is generated every time the task is executed. The report indicates the actions taken as a result of the cleanup. Purge reports, identified with a timestamp, are stored in /opt/northstar/data/.network_plan/Report/purge_reports/

  • Add notifications to timeline—If you select this option, you can see notifications relevant to the execution of the task in the Timeline page. To get there, navigate to the Topology page (Network > Topology) and right-click on the blank space on the topology map. From the list that appears, select Timeline.


Startup Options

Schedule—Select one of the following options to schedule the task:

  • Activate Now: The task starts at the current date and time.
  • Activate Later: The task starts at a later date and time.

    In the field that appears, click the calendar icon to select the date and time at which you want the task to start. Then, click OK.

    Instead of using the Activate Now option, you can also click Now at the bottom of the calendar for the task to start at the current date and time.

Recurrence Options
  • Repeats—Specify the frequency (in Minutes, Hours, Days, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, or Never) at which the task recurs.

  • Every—Specify the periodicity of the recurrence.

  • Ends—Select one of the following options:

    • Never—To configure the task to recur at the specified interval.
    • On—To select a date and time at which you want the task to end. In the field that appears, click the calendar icon and select the date and time. Then, click OK.
    • Now—To end a task at the current date and time, click Now at the bottom of the calendar.