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BGP Report

When the client session is opened for the first time, the BGP Report should be checked to make sure that the network has no obvious BGP configuration errors.

The output file that is written to the output directory is called “BGPRPT.runcode”.

BGP Integrity Check Report:

BGP statistics – This section shows:

  • The total number of BGP speakers in the network

  • The total number of neighbors

  • The total number of policies

  • The list of all ASs and the number of their BGP speakers

Neighbor AS Specification Error Check Report

This section shows any errors about ASs that are not specified correctly. For example, router A declares that its neighbor, router B, is in AS65524, but router B is actually in AS65522.

In the example above, the Neighbor AS Specification Error Check Report shows that there is an error in the node (Location) X39. The neighbor node(Nbr-Location) is Q39 and the neighbor AS (Nbr_AS) is 65524, which should be 65522 as shown in the ValidAS field.

Unbalanced BGP Neighbor Check Report

The BGP protocol requires that if router A declares router B to be its neighbor, then router B also has to declare that router A is its neighbor. If not, then an unbalanced neighbor occurs. This section reports any unbalanced neighbors between BGP speakers within the network.* * * * * Unbalanced BGP Neighbor Check Report

The Unbalanced BGP Neighbor Check Report shows that there are two unbalanced neighbors. On the first record S39 declares that X39 is its neighbor but X39 does not declare that S39 is its neighbor. The second record shows a similar error.

IBGP Mesh Connectivity Check Report

All IBGP speakers within an AS have to be fully meshed, unless route reflectors or confederation are used. This section shows if any AS is not fully meshed. A full mesh for both IPV4 and VPNV4 address families are checked.

The IBGP Mesh Connectivity Check Report above shows the following

  • AS65522 is fully meshed for the VPNV4 address family but no IBGP neighbors exist for IPV4 address family.

  • AS65511 is not fully meshed for IPV4 and VPNV4. For the VPNV4 address family, S39 and W39 are not defined as X39’s neighbors. For the IPV4 address family, W39 is not defined as X39’s neighbor.

  • AS65534 passes the mesh connectivity check for both IPV4 and VPNV4.

  • AS65533 is missing IBGP neighbors for the IPV4, VPNV4, and L2VPN address families.

IPV4/VPNV4/L2VPN Route Reflector Statistics

These three sections indicate the route reflector statistics, including number of route reflectors, number of route reflector clients, and hierarchical route reflector information. Route reflector clients with only one route reflector are listed as a warning that they do not have redundant route reflectors defined. The following is an example of the IPV4 route reflector statistics:IPV4 Route Reflector Statistics: 200 BGP Speakers, 8 Route Reflectors, 100 Route Reflector Clients Redundant Route Reflectors are not defined at 2 RR Clients 1. WDC1, RR= PHI1 2. WDC2, RR= PHI1

VPNV4 and L2VPN route reflector statistics are similarly provided.

It is recommended that all errors reported in the BGP Report file get fixed before carrying on further analysis. One way to do it is to correct the errors on the configuration files and then run through getipconf again.