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L2CCC (Circuit Cross-Connect) VPN

Circuit Cross-Connect (IETF draft-kompella-ccc-02.txt), an early Layer 2 VPN technology implemented by Juniper, is still in many production networks today. To configure a L2CCC VPN, the user would perform the following sequence of steps:

  1. First bring up the Add VPN window and select Layer 2 CCC. Then type in a circuit name by filling in the Ckt.Name box (e.g., L2CCC_1).
  2. Click on Next to take you to the screen to select the two PEs. Also assign a bandwidth value for the circuit. The following figure shows a bandwidth of 10M for two chosen routers from AS 65301.
    Figure 1: Choosing two PEs and specifying the circuit bandwidth Choosing two PEs and specifying the circuit bandwidth
  3. Click on Next to bring up the following window where you would identify PEs and assign the PE facing CE interfaces (in the same manner as described under the L3 (Layer 3) VPN section). The following figure shows the result of the assignment of the interfaces.
    Figure 2: Interfaces assigned to PEsInterfaces assigned to PEs
  4. Next, click on the Details tab to specify the Encapsulation, the Transmit LSP, and the Receive LSP. For more information about how to set up LSPs, see Paragon Planner LSP Tunnels Overview. The following figure shows the completed assignments.
    Figure 3: Assigning Transmit/Receive LSPs and EncapsulationAssigning Transmit/Receive LSPs and Encapsulation

    Note that the Encapsulation drop-down can take on the values as described in the following table.




    For Juniper, the interface encapsulation types include: aal0, atm-aal5, atm-ccc-vc-mux, atm-cell, atm-cell-port-mode, atm-cell-vc-mode, atm-cell-vp-mode, cisco-hdlc, ethernet, ethernet-vlan, frame, frame-relay, frame-relay-ccc, interworking, and ppp.

  5. Finally, click on Finish to complete the creation of a L2CCC VPN.
    Figure 4: Details of the newly-added L2CCC VPNDetails of the newly-added L2CCC VPN