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Set the Two P2MP Trees of Interest to be in the Same Diversity Group

After opening an existing specification file or creating a new specification file after configuration file import, you are ready to perform Diverse Multicast Tree design on two P2MP trees. The tool allows you to easily select the sub-LSPs that belong to a particular P2MP tree and then specify its Diversity Group. Two trees belong to the same Diversity Group if all the corresponding sub-LSPs have been marked with the same Diversity Group name.

  1. To set the Diversity Group name for the sub-LSPs, first go to Modify mode and bring up the Modify Tunnels window via Modify > Elements > Tunnels.
  2. Next select all the sub-LSPs for the two P2MP trees of interest and click on Modify>Selected button.
  3. From the Modify Tunnels Window, click on the Type button to bring up the Tunnel Type Parameter Generation window.
  4. Next, click on the Diversity tab and fill in a name inside the Diversity Group fill-in/dropdown combo button, as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 1: Specify Diversity Group for Each Sub-LSP for the Two P2MP TreesSpecify Diversity Group for Each Sub-LSP for the Two P2MP Trees
  5. After clicking OK, the Type field for each tunnel modified should contain the DC_BLACK flag in it, as shown in the following figure. In Paragon Planner, the sub-LSPs for a particular Diversity Group are marked with D followed by the Diversity Group name in the type field.
    Figure 2: Type Field Containing DC_BLACK.Type Field Containing DC_BLACK.