Text Mode
- Open a console window or a telnet window to the Paragon Planner server. If you are not already the Paragon Planner user, switch to the Paragon Planner user. For example, if user ID is wandl, type in “su - wandl” and enter the password.
- Type /u/wandl/bin/getipconf to see
the command options:
usage: /u/wandl/bin/getipconf[-as asNameFile] [-b bwconvfile] [-baseIntf baseIntf] [-cat selected category for report] [-checkMedia] [-commentBW] [-coord graphCoordFile] [-cosalias cosaliasFile] [-delay delayFile] [-deltaIntf deltaIntf] [-dparam dparam] [-dummyNode] [-exIC] [-filter filter for report] [-group groupFile] [-greTunnel] [-i interfaceDir] [-IC ICmessageList file name] [-ignore ipaddr] [-ignoreIPUnnumbered] [-intf intfmap] [-iptraf] [-IPv6] [-isisnbr neighborDir] [-layer2CLI EXSWdir] [-LSPDir lspDir] [-mgnt] [-n muxloc [-p nodeparam]] [-noASNodeLink] [-noCPDNode] [-noCE] [-nodealias nodealiasFile] [-nodewoIntf] [-noVLANLink] [-noVPN] [-oam oamDir] [-ospf ospfdatabase] [-ospfnbr neighborDir] [-PECE PECEfile] [-policyOnLink] [-printDup] [-probe probeFile] [-profile profile] [-r runcode] [-routeInstance routeInstanceFile] [-router selected router for report] [-secondary] [-snmp SNMPDir] [-spec spec] [-srp srpTopoFile] [-srvcType file] [-STM] [-t topfile] [-vlan vlanfile] [-vlandiscovery vlanDir] [-hostdiscovery hostDir] [-vpnName] [-vrf vrffile] [-user username] [-dir configDir] [ config1 config2 ... [-tn topofiles...]
- Run the program /u/wandl/bin/getipconf with the appropriate
command-line variables. For example, if your configuration files all
have the “.cfg” suffix, then type in the directory containing
your configuration files:$ /u/wandl/bin/getipconf
Refer to the tables above for other corresponding command-line options available. Running getipconf in the command line offers more options. These are listed in the table below.
-ospf ospfdatabase (Cisco and Juniper)
This uses the OSPF database for topology information. The CLI command used to retrieve the OSPF database is: show ip ospf database (for Cisco) and show ospf database router extensive (for Juniper).
This option is also available from File > Import Data wizard, Import Type, “OSPF Database”.
This option is used for performance issues. This option will cause interfaces that are “ip unnumbered” to be ignored.
-baseIntf baseIntf, -deltaIntf deltaIntf
These options are used for performance issues when importing a large set of config files, and are normally not modified. baseIntf (default=8192) controls the base hash table size. deltaIntf (default=2048) indicates the delta size by which the hash table should be increased after the hash table capacity has been reached.
This uses IPv6 addresses for link stitching. The default is not to use IPv6 for link stitching.
- Log onto the Paragon Planner client and go to the directory containing the getipconf output files.
- Open the newly created specification file and perform Layout>Recalculate Layout from the right-click menu of the map.