Demand File
In addition to the regular fields of the demand file, the user needs only to specify classes for demands. Note that classes specified here have to match with classes defined earlier.
RNYCDEN NYC DEN 128000 R,A2Z,voice 02,02 RNYCATL NYC ATL 128000 R,A2Z,voice 02,02 RNYCWAS NYC WAS 100000 R,A2Z,first_class_data 02,02 RNYCEWR NYC EWR 200000 R,A2Z,first_class_data 02,02 RDENNYC DEN NYC 150000 R,A2Z,business_data 02,02 RDENWAS DEN WAS 200000 R,A2Z,business_data 02,02 RATLNYC ATL NYC 150000 R,A2Z,business_data 02,02