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Paragon Insights Data Ingest Guide

Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) accepts data from a variety of Juniper and third-party devices. It accepts this data from various types of telemetry sensors and from traditional network management protocols like syslog and SNMP. We provide this data ingest guide as a way to understand the ingest methods that Paragon Insights supports and so that you can decide the best ways for you to get the needed health and performance data from your devices.

As mentioned in the user guide, Paragon Insights supports push and pull models of data collection. In the push model, your devices push telemetry data to Paragon Insights. In the pull mode, Paragon Insights periodically polls your devices for data. This guide describes each of the supported ingest methods, with examples, sorted by whether they fall into the push or pull model. Along with each description, we provide the required Junos OS version and device configurations needed to enable the specific ingest type.