Understand Bring Your Own Ingest
Paragon Insights provides Bring Your Own Ingest (BYOI) default plug-ins and support for BYOI custom plug-ins. BYOI plug-ins ingest telemetry data that is stored in third-party sources such as a data lake or external databases. You can export such telemetry data that you collected through the BYOI plug-ins and store it in the Paragon Insights time series database (TSDB).
Bring Your Own Ingest Plug-ins include an input plug-in that is developed by the user and the output plug-in developed by Juniper Networks. The BYOI input plug-in streams data from different data sources (Kafka) that use different data models (OpenConfig or NETCONF YANG), data encoding (based on Extended Markup Language [XML] or JavaScript Object Notation [JSON]), data security, and messaging buses (Kafka), and sends the data to the output plug-in. The output plug-in converts that data into the line protocol format and writes the data to the Paragon Insights TSDB.
Paragon Insights supports two types of BYOI plug-ins:
Default plug-ins—Use default plug-ins to measure metrics that are unique to your network. You can work with Juniper Networks to develop default BYOI plug-ins. To load a default plug-in, you require Paragon Insights Release 4.2 or later.
Juniper Network develops and sends you the default plug-ins, with the Kubernetes YAML files and the plug-in configurations that are included as a compressed tar file. For more information on the workflow to deploy a default plug-in, see Bring Your Own Ingest Default Plug-in Workflow.
Custom plug-ins—You can use custom plug-in when you want to stream pre-existing telemetry data to Paragon Insights for analysis. You must develop the BYOI plug-in, build the BYOI plug-in ingest image, and load the plug-in image and Kubernetes YAML file for the plug-in to the Paragon Insights server.
To load a custom plug-in, you require Paragon Insights Release 4.2 or later. After you successfully load the custom plug-in, it is listed in the Custom Plugins tab of the Bring Your Own Ingest Plugins page.
For more information on the workflow to deploy a custom plug-ins, see Bring Your Own Ingest Custom Plug-in Workflow.
Deploying bring your own ingest plug-ins has the following benefits:
Reduces the cost of collecting telemetry data from devices by exporting previously collected data to Paragon Insights.
Enables you to use all Paragon Insights features—such as custom or default rules, playbooks, reports, graphs, network health view, and more—on the external data you ingest into Paragon Insights.