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Logs for Paragon Insights Services

Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) runs various services (such as iAgent, jtimon, and Telegraf) to monitor the health of the network and individual devices. Each of these Paragon Insights services runs independently in a containerized environment and produces its own set of log messages that are categorized by severity level. You can configure different levels of logs to collect and download.

Table 1 lists the severity levels of the Paragon Insights services logs. The severity levels are listed in order from the highest severity (greatest effect on functionality) to the lowest. If you select a lower severity level, the logs for each of the higher severity levels will also be collected. The log level for all services is set to error by default.

Table 1: Paragon Insights Service Log Message Severity Levels

Severity Level



(Highest level) Conditions that require correction.


Conditions that warrant monitoring.


Non-error conditions of interest.


(Lowest level) Debug messages.

This topic includes:

Configure Service Log Levels for a Device Group or Network Group

You can collect different severity levels of logs for the running Paragon Insights services of a device group or network group. To configure which log levels to collect:

  1. Click the Configuration > Device Group option in the left-nav bar.

  2. For a device group, click on the device group name from the list of DEVICE GROUPS.

    For a network group, click on the network group name from the list of NETWORK GROUPS.

  3. For a Device Group, click the Edit Device Group (Pencil) icon

    For a Network Group, click the Edit Network Group (Pencil) icon

  4. In the edit window that pops up, click the caret next to the Logging Configuration heading to display the configuration fields.

  5. From the drop-down list for Global Log Level, select the level of the log messages that you want to collect for every running Paragon Insights service for the device or network group. See Table 1 for a definition of the log severity levels. The level is set to error by default.

  6. In the Log Level for specific services section, select the log level from the drop-down list for any specific service that you want to configure differently from the Global log level setting. The log level that you select for a specific service takes precedence over the Global log level setting.

  7. Click Save to save the configuration or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the configuration.

Download Logs for Paragon Insights Services

You can choose to download the collected logs for:

  • Every running Paragon Insights service for a specific device group or network group.

  • A specific running Paragon Insights service for a specific device group or network group.

  • Common Paragon Insights services that are running by default for the Paragon Insights application.

To download the logs for Paragon Insights services:

  1. Select the Administration > Log Collection option in the left-nav bar.

  2. Select the Group Type, Group Name, and Service Name of the logs that you want to download:



    Group Type

    Options are:


    Services running for a device group


    Services running for a network group


    Services running by default for the Paragon Insights application.

    Group Name

    • For device Group Type, select a device group name.

    • For network Group Type, select a network group name.

    • For common-services Group Type, select Paragon Insights.

    Service Name

    Select the specific Paragon Insights service for which you want to download the logs.

  3. Click Download to download the logs to a file on your server. The filename is healthbot_logs.gzip by default.