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Manage Audit Logs

An audit log is a record of a sequence of activities that have affected a specific operation or procedure. Audit logs are useful for tracing events and for maintaining historical data.

Audit logs contain information about tasks initiated by using the Paragon Insights GUI or APIs. In addition to providing information about the resources that were accessed, audit log entries usually include details about user-initiated tasks, such as the name of the user who initiated a task, the status of the task, and date and time of execution.

Audit logs from microservices, such as healthbot command and config server are collected in the audit log client library, and are stored in the Postgres SQL database. The audit log client library is installed with microservices during Paragon Insights installation.


Device-driven tasks (tasks not initiated by the user) are not recorded in audit logs.

Filter Audit Logs

You can filter audit logs from the Administration > Audit Logs page of the Paragon Insights GUI. You can apply filters to audit logs before you export audit logs in a CSV file.

  1. Select Administration > Audit Logs.

    The Audit Logs page appears displaying the audit logs.

  2. Click Filter > Add Filter.

    The Add Criteria pop-up appears.

  3. Enter the following information in the Add Criteria pop-up.
    1. Select the column you want to apply the filter to from the Field drop-down list.

    2. Select the condition you want to apply the column from the Condition drop-down list.

    3. Enter the start or finish time in the Value text box, that you want to apply to the filter.

  4. Click Add to apply the filter.

    (Optional) You can export audit logs as a CSV file or PDF file after you apply a filter. For more information, see Export Audit Logs.

Export Audit Logs

Starting in Release 4.1.0, you can export audit logs in a portable document format (PDF) file and comma-separated values (CSV) file.

To export audit logs:

  1. Select Administration > Audit Logs.

    The Audit Logs page appears.

  2. Click Export Logs > CSV to download audit logs in a CSV format.

    Click Export Logs > PDF to download audit logs in PDF format.

    In the warning message that appears, do any one of the following:

    • Click Continue to export all audit logs with all fields as CSV or PDF files.

    • Click Filter to filter audit log fields before you export as a CSV file. You cannot filter audit logs before you export as PDF file.

      To filter audit logs, see Filter Audit Logs.

      After you have applied a filter, click Export Logs>CSV again to start the export.


You can export audit logs for a maximum of 30 days prior to the current date and time. For example, if the current date is May 31, 2018, you can export the audit logs starting from May 1, 2018.

Depending on the settings of the browser that you are using, the CSV/PDF file containing the audit logs for the specified time period is either downloaded directly, or you are asked to open or save the file.

Paragon Insights Commands and Audit Logs

Starting with Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0, audit logs are generated when you run the following commands from the CLI:

  • add-node

  • remove-node

  • modify-uda-engine

  • modify-udf-engine

  • modify-workflow-engine

  • remove-plugin

  • load-plugin

The audit log generated will include information on who initiated the job, node name, and status of the job. You must enter credentials (username and password) to run the commands. If you have already set a username (HB_USERNAME) and password (HB_PASSWORD), you are not prompted to enter credentials when you run a command.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Starting in Release 4.1.0, you can export audit logs in a portable document format (PDF) file and comma-separated values (CSV) file.