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Upload Resources

You can upload resource configuration from the Resources page (Configuration > Resources). You can upload one resource file at a time but add multiple resource configurations in a resource file. Ensure that .resource is the file extension of a resource file.

If you added different resource configurations in a resource file, each configuration appears as a distinct resource on the Resources page. If a resource you add in the resource file already exists in Paragon Insights, the new configuration of that resource overrides the existing configuration when you upload the .resource file.


The name of each resource inside a resource configuration file (.resource file) must be unique.

To upload a resource file:

  1. Click Configuration > Resources.

    The Resources page appears.

  2. On the visual panel, click Upload Resource File.

    An Upload Resource File page appears.

  3. Click Browse and select the resource file saved in your local system.
  4. Click OK.

    You can see a confirmation message after the resource uploads successfully. The new resource or resources appear on the Resources page (visual panel).