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About the Secure Edge Reports Page

To access this page, select Monitor > Reports > Secure Edge Reports.

Use the Secure Edge Reports page to view details about:

  • The outbound data transfer and data usage.

  • The logs streamed to an external SIEM server.

Tasks You Can Perform

  • View information about:

    • Monthly outbound data transfer

    • Monthly data allocation

    • Region-wise outbound data transfer

    • Total amount of log streaming data licenses allocated and used

    • Total amount of log data streamed

    See Widgets on the Secure Edge Reports Page

  • Download the report for the last 12 months. Select the year and month, and click Download.

  • Send the report to select recipients on the first day of every month. Click Update Report Recipients, and add the email addresses of the recipients.

Table 1: Widgets on the Secure Edge Reports Page
Report Category Definition

Data Transfer Summary

  • Total data transfer for current month—The total data transferred in the current month.

  • Monthly allocation—The maximum data transfer limit allocated for the current month.

  • Overage—The excess data transferred beyond the monthly allocated limit.

Log Streaming Summary

  • Total allotted volume—The total amount of data allocated in the log streaming licenses.

  • Volume used—The total amount of log data streamed out of the allocated licenses.

  • Volume remaining—The total amount of log data remaining in the log streaming licenses.

Outbound Data Transfer by Region

A graphical and tabular representation of month-wise outbound data transfer during the last 12 months

Log Streaming Usage

A graphical and tabular representation of month-wise logs streamed during the last 12 months