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Audit Logs Overview

An audit log is a record of a sequence of activities that have affected a specific operation or procedure. Audit logs are useful for tracing events and for maintaining historical data.

Audit logs contain information about tasks initiated by using the Juniper Security Director Cloud GUI or APIs. In addition to providing information about the resources that were accessed, audit log entries usually include details about user-initiated operations, such as the name, role, and IP address of the user who initiated an operation, the status of the operation, and date and time of execution.

  • Juniper Security Director Cloud retains the audit log for 6 months.

  • Device-driven tasks (that is, tasks not initiated by the user) are not recorded in audit logs.

Administrators can use audit logs to review events. For example, administrators can identify the user accounts associated with an event, determine the chronological sequence of events. For audit log entries that have an associated job, you can click the hyperlinked job ID to go to the Jobs page, where you can view the details of the job.