Edit, Clone, and Delete an IPS Signature Dynamic Group
You must have the tenant administrator role or a customized role assigned with the appropriate IPS tasks to modify customized IPS signature dynamic groups.
Edit an IPS Signature Dynamic Group
You can edit only customized IPS signature dynamic groups, and not predefined (system-generated) dynamic groups.
To edit a customized IPS signature dynamic group:
Clone IPS Signature Dynamic Groups
Cloning enables you to easily create an IPS signature dynamic group based on an existing one. You can clone predefined or customized IPS signature dynamic groups and modify the parameters.
To clone an IPS signature dynamic group:
Delete IPS Signature Dynamic Groups
You can delete only customized (user-created) IPS signature dynamic groups that are not used in an IPS or exempt rule. You cannot delete predefined (system-generated) IPS signature dynamic groups.
To delete the customized IPS signature dynamic groups: