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Create a Policy Version


During policy deploy, Juniper Security Director Cloud takes an automatic snapshot of the policy. This topic explains to create a policy version by taking snapshot.

You can create a policy version by taking a snapshot. You can create versions for all types of policies including All Devices, Group, Device, and Device exceptions.

By default, the maximum 10 versions are maintained for a policy. If the maximum limit is reached, the oldest version will be removed before saving a new version for that policy.


Administrator can change the maximum number of default versions that are allowed per policy by changing the Snapshots per policy in the organization settings. See About the Organization Page for details.

Versioning and rollback are independent operations for each policy. For example, if you take a snapshot of a group firewall policy, or rollback to a previous firewall policy version, it does not change the version for all device policy rules. You must separately version each policy rule.

To create policy version:
  1. Select SRX > Security Policies > Security Policies.
    The Security Policies page appears.
  2. Select the security policy and click More > Take Snapshot-Manage Policy Versions.
    The Snapshot page appears.
  3. Enter your comment in the Description field (maximum 255 characters) and click OK.

    The Snapshot Policy page shows the status of the version.