Delete an IPsec VPN
Delete an IPsec VPN
Delete an IPsec VPN by first marking it for deletion, then redeploying the VPN to finally delete it completely. When you delete the IPsec VPN, the VPN configurations are also deleted from the associated devices.
You can delete the following types of VPNs using this method:
Site-to-site VPN
Hub-and-Spoke (Establishment by All Peers) VPN
Hub-and-Spoke (Establishment by Spokes) VPN
Hub-and-Spoke Auto Discovery VPN
Remote Access VPN—Juniper Secure Connect
You can also revert the IPsec VPN marked for deletion.
An IPsec VPN deletion job is created. Click the job ID to go to the Jobs page and view the status of the delete operation.
After a successful deployment, the selected IPsec VPN is deleted from Juniper Security Director Cloud and all associated devices.
Delete Hub-and-Spoke IPsec VPNs from Specific Devices
In a hub-and-spoke IPsec VPN that has multiple spoke and extranet devices, you can delete the VPN from specific spokes by deleting the spokes and redeploying the VPNs. However, when you delete a spoke that is an extranet device, the device configuration is deleted only from the VPN hub because Juniper Security Director Cloud does not manage the device.
You can delete the IPsec VPN configurations from specific spokes associated with the following types of VPNs using this method:
Hub-and-Spoke (Establishment by All Peers) VPN
Hub-and-Spoke (Establishment by Spokes) VPN
Hub-and-Spoke Auto Discovery VPN
You must retain at least one spoke in the hub-and-spoke IPsec VPN without which you won't be able to save the edited VPN.
An IPsec VPN deletion job is created. Click the job ID to go to the Jobs page and view the status of the delete operation.
After a successful deployment, the selected IPsec VPN is deleted from the deleted spokes. If a deleted spoke is an extranet device, the device configuration is deleted only from the VPN hub because Juniper Security Director Cloud does not manage the device.