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Juniper Unified PON - Integrated PON Controller on ACX5400 Line of Routers

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Example: Deploy Juniper Unified PON by Configuring the PON Controller on the ACX5400 Line of Routers

date_range 26-Oct-21

Use this example to learn how to deploy Juniper Unified PON by integrating the PON controller with the ACX5400 line of routers connected with the 10GbE OLT SFP+ transceiver.


Installing and configuring PON manager, NETCONF Server, and database are beyond the scope of this document. See the MicroClimate™ Management System [MCMS] Installation Guide, MicroClimate™ Management System [MCMS] PON Manager (WebUI) User Guide, and MicroClimate™ Management System [MCMS] Netconf Server Interface User Guide for information.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • ACX5448 router running Junos OS Release 21.3R1 or later.
  • PON controller running on the ACX5448 Routing Engine.
  • PON manager, NETCONF server, and database hosted on an external hardware (x86 system) in the core network or cloud. For PON manager, NETCONF server, and database installation, see MicroClimate™ Management System [MCMS] Installation Guide.
  • 10GbE OLT SFP+ transceiver connected to the ACX5448 router’s 10GbE port.
  • ONUs connected to the OLT with proper attenuation.

    You must not connect the OLT directly to ONUs without proper attenuation. The OLT can get permanently damaged unless it is connected with minimum 16dB attenuation (20dB recommended). A combination of attenuator and splitters can provide the required attenuation.


The following topology (figure) depicts Juniper Unified PON. The PON controller comes preinstalled with the Junos® operating system (OS) on the ACX5400 line of routers. It provides a secure communication channel between the PON manager and the OLTs and ONUs. The PON controller uses a Layer 2 connection to communicate with OLTs and ONUs. You must insert the 10GbE OLT SFP+ transceiver into the 10GbE port on the ACX5400 line of routers.


Figure 1: PON Controller on the ACX5448 Router PON Controller on the ACX5448 RouterChanges to the callout text: "10GbE OLT SFP+ transceiver connected to the xe-0/0/2 port of the ACX5448 router". Make capitalization changes to other callouts, based on my earlier comments.

In this topology, you connect the 10GbE OLT SFP+ transceiver to the 10GbE port on the ACX5448 router. Junos OS that runs on the ACX5448 router detects the 10GbE OLT SFP+ transceiver and creates the interface. The interface is automatically deleted when you remove the transceiver.

The PON manager, NETCONF server, and the database are hosted on an external system or hardware that are deployed at the core network or on the cloud. The database stores the profiles, states, statistics for PON controllers, OLTs, and ONUs. The PON manager connects to the 10GbE port of the ACX5448 router.

The PON controller provides a secure communication channel between the PON manager and the OLTs and ONUs. The PON controller runs on the Routing Engine.

Layer 2 interfaces and bridging configured on the ACX5448 router are connected to the 10GbE OLT SFP+ transceiver. Layer 3 interfaces configured on the ACX5448 router are connected to the PON manager hosted on an external system in the core network or cloud.


To configure the interfaces and the PON controller on the ACX5448 router, perform the following tasks.

Configure Layer 2 Interfaces and Bridging

The PON controller uses a Layer 2 connection to communicate with OLT and ONUs. Layer 2 connection is a separate Layer 2 control path between the Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine (em4 interface). The PON controller uses Layer 2 broadcast packets to discover OLTs. OLTs respond with their MAC address.

OLTs use 1904.2 frames with special control customer VLAN (C-VLAN) (0x8100:4090) to separate control traffic from data traffic. OLTs must be configured to a single bridge domain. The Layer 2 filter traps the 1904.2 packets from the OLT and ONU to the host path and forwards the packets to the Routing Engine.

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see the CLI User Guide.

To configure Layer 2 interfaces and bridging on the ACX5448 router:

  1. Configure Layer 2 interfaces and enable VLAN tagging.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host#set interfaces xe-0/0/2 description OLT3
    user@host#set interfaces xe-0/0/2 flexible-vlan-tagging
    user@host#set interfaces xe-0/0/2 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services
    user@host#set interfaces xe-0/0/2 ether-options ethernet-switch-profile tag-protocol-id 0x8100
    user@host#set interfaces xe-0/0/2 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge
    user@host#set interfaces xe-0/0/2 unit 0 vlan-id 4090
  2. Configure VLAN and bridge domain.


    You must configure only one bridge domain for all the OLTs.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host#set vlans bd description BD_OLT
    user@host#set vlans bd interface xe-0/0/2.0
    user@host#set vlans bd no-local-switching
    user@host#set vlans bd switch-options no-mac-learning

Configure Layer 3 Interfaces

The PON controller uses a Layer 3 (IP Transport Layer Security (TLS)) connection to communicate with the PON manager. Layer 3 packets with destination as PON manager are sent to the Routing Engine–Packet Forwarding Engine control path (em5 interface). Incoming Layer 3 packets from the PON manager are sent to the host path of the Packet Forwarding Engine. From the host path, the packets are sent over the Layer 3 connection.

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see the CLI User Guide.

To configure Layer 3 interfaces on the ACX5448 router:

  1. Configure Layer 3 interfaces to enable PON Manager communication.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host#set interfaces xe-0/0/38 unit 0 family inet address
  2. Configure the static route and next hop to reach the PON manager.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host#set routing-options autonomous-system 69
    user@host#set routing-options static route next-hop

Configure the PON Controller

To configure the PON controller, you must:

  • Configure the management VLAN on the port where the 10GbE OLT SFP+ transceiver is inserted.
  • Configure the Layer 3 path to reach the external PON manager.
  • Configure VLAN ID, TPID, IP address, destination port, and username and password.
  • Configure certificate-path, the path to the certificate file copied to the router at the /var/tmp/ directory. The certificate file must be of the file format .pem. For information on creating certificate files, see MicroClimate™ Management System [MCMS] Installation Guide.

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see the CLI User Guide.

To configure the PON controller on the ACX5448 router:

  1. Configure the management VLAN.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host#set chassis pon-controller vlan 0x8100.4090
  2. Configure the Layer 3 path to reach the PON manager by setting the IP address, username, and password.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host#set chassis pon-controller manager ip-address
    user@host#set chassis pon-controller manager destination-port 27017
    user@host#set chassis pon-controller manager secure-connection username <username>
    user@host#set chassis pon-controller manager secure-connection password <password>

    Use the username and password that is configured on the PON manager for authentication for a secure connection.

  3. Configure certificate-path, the path to the certificate file copied to the router. The certificate file must be of the file format .pem: For example, pon-certificate.pem.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host#set chassis pon-controller manager secure-connection certificate-path /var/tmp/pon-certificate.pem
    user@host#set chassis pon-controller manager secure-connection auth-db tibit_users
    user@host#set chassis pon-controller manager secure-connection db-name tibit_pon_controller 

Configure the Operations Script

You can use the operations script ( to check the status of the PON controller and OLTs.

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see the CLI User Guide.

To configure the operations script, you must:

  1. Generate a sha-256 checksum string on the show-pon.pyc file.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host#file checksum sha-256 /var/db/scripts/op/show-pon.pyc

    The operations script (show-pon.pyc) is placed at the/var/db/scripts/op/ directory path.

  2. Configure the operations script (show-pon.pyc) using the following command:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host#set system scripts op file show-pon.pyc command show-pon checksum sha-256 <sha256_string>

    Replace <sha256_string> with the actual sha-256 checksum string.


Verify the OLT Interfaces


Verify that the OLT interfaces are identified by the Junos OS running on the ACX5448 router.


From operational mode, run the show chassis hardware CLI command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                XM3620440051      ACX5448-M
Midplane         REV 09   650-092523   XM3620440051      ACX5448-M
PEM 0            REV 05   740-053352   1GD1A131368       JPSU-850W-AC-AFO
PEM 1            REV 05   740-053352   1GD1A131366       JPSU-850W-AC-AFO
Routing Engine 0          BUILTIN      BUILTIN           RE-ACX-5448
FPC 0                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           FPC BUILTIN
  MIC 0                                                  44x1GE/44x10GE MACSEC
    PIC 0                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           44x1GE/44x10GE MACSEC
      Xcvr 0     REV 01   740-117808   OLT-E8B470700BA6  SFP+-10G-PON-OLT-10KM


In the show chassis hardware output, you can see the OLT interface Xcvr is identified.

Verify the Status of the PON Controller


Verify the status of the PON controller.


From operational mode, run the operations script op show-pon CLI command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
Current Time: 2021-08-18 19:20:43 UTC
PON-Controller Status: Active
Configured Local State: Enabled
Control Plane Interface: em4, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Last known PON-Controller State:
    "Alarm": {
        "0-EMERG": [],
        "1-ALERT": [],
        "2-CRIT": [],
        "3-ERROR": [],
        "4-WARNING": [],
        "5-NOTICE": [],
        "6-INFO": [],
        "7-DEBUG": []
    "CNTL": {
        "Start Time": "2021-08-18 19:14:41.684880",
        "Version": "R2.0.4"
    "System Status": {
        "e8:b4:70:70:00:1e": {
            "Port": "xe-0/0/2",
            "OLT State": "Unspecified",
            "ONU Active Count": 0,
            "ONUs": {}
        "e8:b4:70:70:02:36": {
            "Port": "xe-0/0/40",
            "OLT State": "Unspecified",
            "ONU Active Count": 0,
            "ONUs": {}
    "Time": "2021-08-18 19:20:39.741646",
    "_id": "44:ec:ce:20:2f:b9"


In the op show-pon output, you can see the PON controller status as Active.

Verify the PON Controller Output Log


Verify the PON controller output log (stdout.log) for any failures or state changes.


From operational mode, run the show log /var/log/isfpjad.child.stdout.log command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
Jun 16 23:11:17 host newsyslog[92927]: logfile turned over due to size>20480K
2021-06-16 23:11:17.514 INFO     PonCntl      ***** Main Loop Starting for 44:ec:ce:20:2f:b9 *****
2021-06-16 23:11:17.515 INFO     PonCntl      Running PON Controller Version: R2.0.4
2021-06-16 23:11:17.754 INFO     TAPI         Discovering UMT Topology for 3 seconds...
2021-06-16 23:11:21.479 INFO     PonCntl      >>> OLT e8:b4:70:70:00:1e  (Existing)
2021-06-16 23:11:21.481 INFO     PonCntl      >>> OLT e8:b4:70:70:00:1e  Loop Starting
2021-06-16 23:11:21.481 INFO     PonCntl      >>> OLT e8:b4:70:70:02:36  (Existing)
2021-06-16 23:11:21.482 INFO     PonCntl      >>> OLT e8:b4:70:70:02:36  Loop Starting
2021-06-16 23:11:23.599 INFO     PonCntl      >>> OLT e8:b4:70:70:00:1e  Loop Ending (0:00:02.118161)
2021-06-16 23:11:23.599 INFO     PonCntl      >>> OLT e8:b4:70:70:02:36  Loop Ending (0:00:02.117260)
PON-CNTL: System Status at end of Loop
    "e8:b4:70:70:00:1e": {
        "OLT State": "Unspecified",
        "ONU Active Count": 0,
        "ONUs": {}


In the PON controller output log, you can view the version of the PON controller and the MAC addresses of the OLTs connected to the device. Logs from the PON controller are available at /var/log/isfpjad.child.stdout.log. You can monitor /var/log/tibit/ponCntl.log for any failures in the PON controller.
