Transforming Customer Experiences Across Mobile, Residential, and Business Services

Running many disparate networks was slowing Telefónica’s ability to implement new services. The solution? Merging its networks and the people and processes surrounding them.

Telefónica is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies. When it became difficult to keep up with traffic growth across its many disparate networks, the company teamed with Juniper to simplify things by converging disparate telecom organizations and processes.


Company Telefonica
Industry Service Provider
Products used MX960,  MX2020,  MX10004 and MX10008
Region EMEA

Business Challenge

Meeting the ongoing demand for greater network capacity across its many individually operated commercial and enterprise networks was becoming difficult. The company had to reconfigure many pieces of equipment whenever it wanted to expand capacity and was concerned it wouldn’t be able to keep up much longer.

Technology Solution

The situation called for drastically simplifying Telefónica’s infrastructures and operating environments. The provider created a converged, flat network for IP and aggregation functions using the Juniper Networks MX Series Universal Routing Platform. The carrier can now deploy new services from a single services edge, which also connects to other networks, radio base stations, enterprise customers, and over-the-top (OTT) providers.

Business Results

The new network allows far faster and more flexible growth. Telefónica says it can now add as much as 5 Tbps each year to its 10-Tbps platform—a fivefold increase over previous capabilities—and it operates at a lower cost per port. Network changes now involve just a single node, rather than configuring links across multiple network devices.

"As Telefónica Spain continues to look to the future, we recognize the need for an increasingly scalable, streamlined, and highly automated network that can enable rapid service delivery and tailored customer experiences at a competitive price. This partnership with Juniper is a further step in Telefónica’s technological transformation strategy."
Joaquin Mata CTO, Telefónica Spain