Legal Notices
Applicable Law
This site is created and controlled by Juniper Networks, Inc. in the State of California, USA. As such, the laws of the State of California will govern these disclaimers, terms and conditions, without reference to any principles of conflicts of laws. We reserve the right to make changes to our site and to these disclaimers, terms, and conditions at any time.
Compliance with Applicable Laws and Export Control Laws
Use of this Web site is governed by all applicable federal, state, and local laws. All information available on this site is subject to U.S. export control laws and may also be subject to the laws of the country where you reside.
All Juniper Networks, Inc. products and publications are commercial in nature. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in DFARS 252.227-7015 and FAR 52.227-19.
All content on this site, including text, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio clips, and software, is the property of Juniper Networks, Inc. or its content suppliers and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Juniper Networks, Inc. and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. All software used on this site is the property Juniper Networks, Inc. or its software suppliers and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. The content and software on this site may be used as a resource. Any other use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, of the content on this site is strictly prohibited.
This site is provided by Juniper Networks, Inc. on an “as is” basis. Juniper Networks, Inc, makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the site, the information, content, materials, or products included on this site. Juniper Networks, Inc., to the full extent permissible by applicable law, disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Juniper Networks, Inc. will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental punitive, and consequential damages.
Legal Terms for the Purchase and Licensing of Juniper Products and Services
Juniper has developed a new contractual framework that supports all of our hardware, software, services, and cloud services offerings. This framework forms a foundation for both Channel and End User contracts.
- Channel: The Channel MPLA replaces our existing channel agreements (i.e., Direct Value Added Reseller Agreement and Indirect Value Added Reseller Agreement). [Agreement is available on the Partner Portal]
- End User: The End User MPLA replaces our End User Agreements (i.e., licenses for Software (EULA), support terms for Maintenance Agreements (EUSA), direct customer purchases for Hardware (EUPA), rights to use for Cloud Services (ToU), statements of work for Professional Services (SOW), and customer commitments through channel purchases.
Juniper Networks, Inc. owns and maintains a large portfolio of trademarks, including wordmarks, service marks, logos, images, slogans, designs and trade dress (hereinafter, “Juniper Marks” or “Marks”). Juniper Networks’ Marks are valuable assets to the company, and are legally protected in the United States and various jurisdictions around the world. As such, any use of Juniper’s Marks must be made in compliance with the following Trademark Usage Guidelines or as otherwise expressly permitted by Juniper Networks, Inc.
A list of commonly used Juniper Marks, including registered trademarks and common law trademarks, in the United States and certain other countries can be found below. Not all common law marks used by Juniper Networks are listed on this page. This list may be updated from time to time and is not a comprehensive list of all Juniper Marks. Failure of a mark to appear on this list does not mean that the mark is not used by Juniper Networks, nor that a product or the associated mark is not actively in use or is not significant within its relevant market(s).

AI for IT™
AI is in the Air®
Build More than a Network®
Contrail Cloud Platform™
Contrail Enterprise Multicloud™
Contrail Insights™
Contrail Networking™
Experience-First Networking™
Juniper Apstra™
Juniper Care™
Juniper Driven By Mist AI™
Juniper Mist™
Juniper Networks®
Juniper Sky™
Junos Address Aware™
Junos Application Aware™
Junos OS™
Junos Space®
Junos Subscriber Aware™
Junos Traffic Vision™
Junos Video Focus™
Mist AI™
Mist Systems, a Juniper Company™
NorthStar™ Controller
Power Connections. Empower Change. ™
Running Junos®
SBR Carrier™
Session Smart®
Self-Driving Network™
Your Ideas. Connected.®
Any other third party trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks may be the property of their respective owners. Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.
Trademark Usage Guidelines
Juniper Networks’ Marks are important to our brand identity and must be used properly. The Juniper Networks, Inc. Trademark Usage Guidelines (“Guidelines”) available here and incorporated below govern the use of all Juniper Networks trademarks, including wordmarks, service marks, logos, slogans, designs and trade dress (“Juniper Marks”). Without permission from Juniper Networks, third parties should not use Juniper’s Marks in any manner that suggests affiliation or association with Juniper Networks. If Juniper grants you permission to use a Mark, you may use the Mark(s) solely in accordance with these Guidelines. Juniper Networks reserves the right to revise these Guidelines from time to time, without notice.
Requests for Use
A list of commonly used Juniper Marks can be found above, and may change from time to time. The Marks are available for use upon approval by Juniper Networks. Any person or company interested in using the Marks must submit a request to use the Marks using the Juniper Networks Trademark Use Request Form. In some cases, a party may negotiate use of the Marks as part of a broader agreement or have already been granted certain rights to use the Marks. In these cases, the party may not need to submit the Usage Request Form. For questions or confirmation regarding such agreements, please email
Requests will be approved or denied in the sole discretion of Juniper Networks. Notification of approval will only be valid upon execution of a Trademark Use Agreement by Juniper Networks.
If approved, only the Marks listed on the approved Trademark Use Agreement may be used by a requester, and the Marks may be used only for the purpose and in the manner stated in the Trademark Use Agreement. Any other desired use requires a separate grant of permission.
Proper Usage
The Marks are intellectual property and therefore are considered assets of Juniper Networks. To ensure the Marks are neither diluted nor infringed, Juniper Networks reserves the right to require parties using Juniper Marks to resize, move, or remove the Marks for any reason whatsoever. In addition, any permitted use(s) of the Marks are conditioned on adherence to the applicable Juniper Guidelines and the following rules:
- Always use a Mark as an adjective.
- The Marks are used to distinguish products and services provided by Juniper Networks. Use of a Mark followed by a product name, service, or other noun, such as “software” should be accompanied by the appropriate symbol indicating the status of the Mark (e.g., Junos® Software).
- The Marks should never be used as nouns or verbs, and never in possessive or plural form.
- Use the ® symbol to indicate Juniper Networks’ registered trademarks and the ™ symbol to indicate Juniper Networks’ claimed trademarks. Always use the proper trademark symbol in superscript or subscript, when technically feasible, and position it immediately after the trademark to which it applies (e.g. Juniper Networks ®). If superscripts and subscripts are unavailable, use parentheses: (TM) or (R).
- Spell and capitalize the Marks exactly as they are shown in the list of Juniper trademarks available on Juniper’s Legal Notices page above. Distinguish the trademark from surrounding text in some way, either by capitalizing the first letter, capitalizing or italicizing the entire mark, or placing the mark in quotes.
- For examples of proper symbol placement and spelling for some of Juniper’s Marks, please refer to the list of commonly used trademarks above.
- Juniper Networks, Inc. is our tradename and the name under which we conduct our business. When used in reference to Juniper Networks, Inc. as a business or corporation, Juniper Networks, Inc. is a noun and does not require the ® or TM designation in such context.
- Authorized partners, resellers, and licensees may use the Marks as expressly permitted in the terms of their agreement with Juniper Networks and these Trademark Usage Guidelines. In addition, any such use must always be made in conjunction with the appropriate terms that define the relationship between the authorized user and Juniper Networks (e.g., Authorized Value Added Reseller).
- The Juniper Networks name and the Marks must be visually distinguishable from a third party’s name, as well as their products and service name(s), and should not be use as a part of their product, service, solution, or program name(s).
- All references to Juniper Networks or the Marks must be truthful, accurate, and not misleading.
- Always use the proper spelling and, if applicable, proper stylization, for the Marks.
- Use only Juniper-approved artwork when using Juniper’s logos or stylized design marks. When reproducing any Juniper Networks supplied logos or designs, the only modification you are allowed to make is to resize the logo or image in proportion to their original height and width. No resampling or other attempted duplication is allowed, and no other alternations, modifications, cropping, additions, or edits to the logos or designs are permitted. Any use of the Juniper Networks logos must appear in their original colors as supplied by Juniper Networks. For more information on appropriate logo usage, please refer to our Logo Use Guidelines.
- Any “fair use” of the Marks, or use by a third party without express permission or license from Juniper, is limited to text-only reference to the Marks, such as product or service names, and excludes the use of Juniper logos and any stylized marks or designs.
- Do not hyphenate, misspell, abbreviate, pluralize a Mark, or otherwise vary any of the Marks.a.
- For example, do not say: “Juniper MXes”or “Juniper-MX”.
- Instead, do say: ““Juniper® MX routers” or “Juniper MX routers”.
- Do not use a Mark in a manner that can reasonably be construed to imply either an affiliation with or an endorsement by Juniper Networks, without the express written permission of Juniper Networks.
- Do not adapt, alter, or modify any Mark in any way.
- Do not use the Marks in a manner that is likely to dilute, defame, disparage or harm the reputation of Juniper Networks, its products, partners, vendors, customers, employees or affiliates.
- Do not display the Mark on any site that disparages Juniper or its products or services, infringes any Juniper intellectual property or other rights, or violates any state, federal, or international law.
- Do not use any trademark, name, or designation that is confusingly similar to the Juniper Networks name or any of the Marks.
- Do not copy or imitate any Juniper Networks trade dress, type style, logo, product packaging, or the look, design, or overall commercial impression of any Juniper Networks website, publications, or other materials.
- Do not register or seek to register any of the Marks, or any mark or name that is confusingly similar to a Mark.
- Do not register or use any domain name that incorporates any of the Marks or the Juniper Networks name, unless you have been explicitly authorized to do so by Marketing or Legal.
- Unless you are an actual Juniper Networks corporate entity, or an affiliate with a contractual relationship with Juniper Networks that specifically authorizes such use, do not use or permit any third party, including channel sales partners, VARs, or others, to use or incorporate the Marks in your or the third party's domain name or company name.
Proprietary Notices
Each document or other piece of material (e.g., marketing materials, white papers, advertisements, press releases, brochures, invoices, and web pages) that uses a Mark must display a proprietary notice in the following form: “___________ is a [registered] trademark of Juniper Networks, Inc. in the United States and other countries.”
Global Tax Strategy
Juniper Networks, Inc., an entity incorporated in Delaware, United States, and listed on the NYSE as JNPR, is the ultimate parent of a group of companies (the "Juniper Group"). The Juniper Group is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, United States.
This tax strategy applies to the Juniper Group. The Juniper Group is committed to conducting its business ethically and in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations and applicable international standards.
This document is published by Juniper Networks (UK) Limited, BTI Systems UK Limited and Juniper Networks (Nominees) Limited on 25th November 2024 in compliance with their duties under Paragraph 22(2) of Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016 to publish a tax strategy in the current fiscal year.
Our approach to risk management
We manage tax in line with our group governance framework and procedures: tax strategy, activities and uncertainties are documented and reported on a regular basis. We seek to manage all taxes to provide a responsible outcome in the interests of all stakeholders. Operating alongside this, our guiding tax principles govern our behaviour and the tax choices we make when facing new decisions or directions.
The Juniper Group's Head of Tax is responsible for global tax strategy. The Head of Tax reports to the Juniper Chief Financial Officer and is supported by a team of tax professionals in a number of geographies.
Our tolerance for tax risk
We are committed to compliance with tax laws and regulations. We regularly monitor changes to applicable tax legislation and obtain advice where appropriate from professional advisers.
Our tax strategy is aligned with our overall business strategy and to our approach to corporate governance and risk management wherever we operate.
Given the nature of our business and geographic footprint, it is inevitable that risks may arise with respect to the application of tax laws that are complex, subject to sudden and/or regular change and uncertain at times. The level of tax risk that we accept is driven by our global tax, legal and accounting policies, overarching values, corporate social responsibility, brand and reputation. We seek professional advice where the application of tax law to a material transaction or a given situation is reasonably unclear or uncertain, or where specialist knowledge is required.
Our approach to tax planning
In supporting the commercial needs of the business, we may claim tax deductions, credits or exemptions and make any other beneficial claims or elections where we believe that such credits, exemptions, claims or elections are available and legally permissible. In accordance with applicable laws, we may seek to take steps to eliminate or reduce the risk of double taxation.
Furthermore, we may engage in tax planning to structure our operations and finances in a tax-efficient manner. Any such action is done in a manner that is aligned with our overall commercial objectives, meets our legal obligations and provides a tax result that we believe aligns with the intent of relevant laws and regulations.
Our relationship with tax authorities
As an organization, we seek to operate with integrity, and this is reflected in our relationships with tax authorities with whom we strive to establish constructive relationships.
Juniper is committed to making fair, accurate and timely disclosure in correspondence and returns and to responding to queries and information requests in timely fashion.
In addition to operating with integrity, where possible and appropriate, we seek to be proactive with tax authorities to ensure the efficient resolution of issues as they arise. We seek tax clearances and guidance from tax authorities where and when appropriate.
We understand that there might be instances where a tax authority’s interpretation of tax laws and regulations may differ from our view, including after consultation with professional advisers. Only on the rare occasions that we are unable to reach an agreement with a tax authority, and where our tax position is supported by external advice (or if it is an industry-wide issue), would we be prepared to litigate the issue in court, having first sought to resolve these differences though constructive dialogue with the relevant tax authority.