The Total Economic Impact of Juniper Apstra

Apstra drives a typical ROI of 320%, says Forrester
Forrester recently conducted an economic impact study of the Apstra intent-based networking solution. They analyzed the Total Economic Impact (TEI™) of investing in Apstra, looking at the benefits, costs, flexibility, and risk of adopting the new technology. The results, fully outlined in this video and including a typical ROI of 320%, might just surprise you. Watch to learn how your organization can benefit from investing in Apstra today.
You’ll learn
How Juniper Apstra pays you technology investment back in just six months
The likely three-year impact of investing in Apstra based on customer feedback, quantified benefit, cost, risk, and flexibility factors
How the unquantified benefits of adopting Apstra include flexibility, faster time to market, configuration consistency, and standardization across all data center
Who is this for?

0:00 [Music]
0:05 hello
0:06 my name is steve formlo and i'm a
0:07 consultant on the forester tei team
0:10 juniper commissioned forester to do a
0:12 total economic impact study of their
0:15 abstract intent based networking
0:16 solution
0:17 and we completed the study in may 2022
0:21 to accomplish this goal
0:23 we employed the forester total economic
0:26 impact methodology
0:28 forester research has shown that over 90
0:30 of iit decision makers find value in a
0:33 business case
0:34 so the forester ti model goes beyond
0:37 just tco or roi models common in the
0:40 industry we add risk and flexibility
0:42 into our models to create a more
0:44 comprehensive view of an iit business
0:47 case
0:48 ti is a methodology that we use at
0:50 forester to articulate and justify the
0:52 value of a technology investment
0:55 total economic impact consists of four
0:57 components
0:58 benefits
1:00 cost
1:00 flexibility and risk
1:03 now flexibility
1:05 here at forester we define it as what
1:07 helps to incorporate the strategic value
1:09 of future investments enabled by the
1:11 original investment
1:13 big picture the juniper abstract study
1:16 showed the following results
1:18 in our tei analysis forester identified
1:21 a three-year present value return on
1:22 investment of 320
1:25 benefit of nine hundred and twenty five
1:27 thousand dollars as well as a net
1:28 present value of seven hundred and
1:30 twenty five thousand dollars over three
1:32 years
1:33 the analysis also showed payback period
1:35 of just under six months
1:37 one of the interviews for this study
1:39 praised the amount of time and cost
1:41 savings associated with day zero and day
1:44 one task forester interviewed decision
1:46 makers from four customers in very
1:48 diverse industries
1:50 these companies range from continental
1:52 companies with two major data centers
1:55 two global companies with as many as 13
1:57 major data centers scattered across the
1:59 globe across the board we heard about
2:02 the following challenges when it came to
2:04 managing data center networks before
2:06 deploying abstract there were lots of
2:08 inconsistencies in the way various
2:10 devices were configured within data
2:12 center networks many were using very
2:15 code intensive networking solutions
2:17 which needed very specialized and
2:19 expensive experts to operate these
2:21 interviewees also told forrester that it
2:23 was hard and expensive to deploy devices
2:26 from multiple vendors within their data
2:28 centers these challenges made it slower
2:30 and more expensive to stand up or scale
2:33 data centers resulting in a slow speed
2:35 to market for new initiatives
2:37 using the forester ti methodology we did
2:40 an analysis of the benefits a composite
2:42 organization can realize from deploying
2:45 juniper abstract the study found that
2:47 the composite organization realized cost
2:50 savings in four categories
2:52 day zero design and planning
2:54 day one deployment
2:56 day two plus data center operations and
2:59 two replacement
3:00 these benefits are partly explained by
3:03 this sentiment from one of the
3:05 interviewed decision makers he said
3:07 it took considerable time to provision a
3:09 network before abstract came along
3:11 because each switch and build was
3:13 configured separately
3:15 we tried to do templating as best as we
3:17 could but there was a lot of
3:19 configuration drifting and other kinds
3:21 of stuff going on as well
3:23 these were just the quantified benefits
3:25 forrester heard from interviewers for
3:27 this study these interviewees also
3:29 talked about other benefits that they
3:31 didn't quantify they said deploying
3:34 juniper astra helped the organization
3:36 scale data center networks easier and
3:38 faster made it easier to use multiple
3:41 vendor devices within the networks and
3:43 not be restricted by individual vendor
3:45 requirements
3:46 easily manage device operating systems
3:49 and upgrades among other benefits this
3:52 forester total economic impact study
3:54 showed that by deploying juniper
3:55 abstract a composite organization could
3:58 witness a 320
4:00 roi and a net present value of 725 000
4:04 over three years to learn more about the
4:06 findings of this study please read the
4:08 entire study on juniper's website it
4:11 contains details about the forester ti
4:13 methodology and how it could be applied
4:15 to any organization's individual
4:17 scenario
4:18 thank you