Summit Communications takes the lead with packet optical in Asia

Summit Communications is bringing the digital world to the 160 million people of Bangladesh. As a licensed nationwide telecommunications transmission network (NTTN) provider and a holder of numerous other telecommunication regulatory licenses (, Summit has been on a multiyear journey to build a countrywide fiber infrastructure. Consumer, business, and government consumption of mobile, internet, and digital services is skyrocketing.


Company Summit Communications
Industry Telecommunications
Products used MX480,  MX204,  ACX1100,  ACX2200,  ACX500,  ACX Series,  EX Series,  QFX Series
Region APAC
Organization size 1200
Summit Communications Image

160 million

Citizens being connected to the digital world


Capital savings due to packet optical network

100 Gbps

Performance for the first-single box packet optical network in Asia


Kilometers of fiber form digital foundation for the nation


Scale national network efficiently to meet exponential demand

To increase business agility and operational efficiency, Summit built a 100 Gbps packet optical transport network across the rapidly digitizing nation of Bangladesh. Summit is one of the first providers to deploy a converged packet optical network in Asia using Juniper Networks® MX Series Universal Routing Platforms.

Adoption of single-box packet optical networks has been slower in Asia than in other parts of the world due to fiber quality. Adding to concerns about high optical loss was the country’s large geographic area. Summit’s network spans more than 47000 kilometers.

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Modernize transport and protect investment

Summit took the innovation lead. Juniper and Summit already enjoyed a trusted relationship, and Juniper routing proving itself in the core, access, and aggregation networks year after year. This gave Summit tremendous confidence in the solution, and they wanted to build on that foundation by adding optical transport to their MX Series routers.

Summit set up a proof-of-concept test to equip its existing MX Series routers with new line cards. It first connected Dhaka, the capital city, to Khulna, 500 kilometers away. When the trial proved successful, Summit took the next step and successfully connected Chittagong, a port city 300 kilometers south of Dhaka, to the converged packet optical. The transport network again proved itself as ultra-fast with extremely low loss.

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Achieve peak agility and efficiency for a digital-hungry nation

A Juniper packet optical network lowered the cost of transport, enabling Summit to serve customers more efficiently. Summit is nimble as it meets soaring digital demands across the nation and world.

Summit has already realized up to 30 percent savings in capital expenses. Eliminating separate optical transport gear creates cost efficiencies and streamlines operations. Power, cooling, and precious rack space are conserved. Visibility into network health is vastly improved, allowing Summit to deliver high-quality services to its customers.

“Modernizing our transport with Juniper network has delivered clear economic benefits,” says Md. Farrukh Imtiaz, Senior General Manager, Technology, Summit Communications. “Simplifying network operations with Juniper also increased our ability to offer best-in-class services to connect Bangladesh with the world.”

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“Juniper’s converged packet optical network has enabled Summit Communications to lower transport costs so that we can efficiently meet the fast-growing demand for bandwidth in Bangladesh.”
K.M. Tariquzzaman CTO, Summit Communications

Published March 2021