-- *******************************************************************
-- Juniper enterprise specific Class-Of-Service (COS) MIB. 
-- Copyright (c) 2001-2006, Juniper Networks, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- The contents of this document are subject to change without notice.
-- *******************************************************************


        Integer32, Counter64                 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
        OBJECT-IDENTITY                      FROM SNMPv2-SMI
        TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString    FROM SNMPv2-TC
        CounterBasedGauge64                  FROM HCNUM-TC
        InterfaceIndex                       FROM IF-MIB
        jnxMibs, jnxCosNotifications         FROM JUNIPER-SMI;

        LAST-UPDATED "200912040000Z" -- Fri Dec 04 00:00:00 2009 UTC
        ORGANIZATION "Juniper Networks, Inc."
                "Juniper Technical Assistance Center
                      Juniper Networks, Inc.
                      1194 N. Mathilda Avenue
                      Sunnyvale, CA 94089
                      E-mail: support@juniper.net"

                "The Juniper enterprise MIB for COS (Class Of Service)
                 infrastructure. For detailed information on COS,
                 Junos Documentation is recommended as the reference. 

                     COS  - Class Of Service
                     RED  - Random Early Detection
                     PLP  - Packet Loss Priority
                     DSCP - Differential Service Code Point. "

        REVISION     "200904310000Z"    -- Dec 04, 2009
        DESCRIPTION  "Added Rate Limit stats"

        REVISION     "200910290000Z"    -- Oct 29, 2009
        DESCRIPTION  "Added new trap jnxCosOutOfDedicatedQueues
                      Added new trap jnxCosAlmostOutOfDedicatedQueues"

        REVISION     "200712310000Z"    -- Dec 31, 2007
        DESCRIPTION  "Added jnxCosIngressQstatTable"

        REVISION     "200610310000Z"    -- Oct 31, 2006
        DESCRIPTION  "Added jnxCosInvQstatTable"

        REVISION     "200306130000Z"    -- Jun 13, 2003
        DESCRIPTION  "Deprecated jnxCosIfqStatsTable.
                      Added new table jnxCosQstatTable.
                      Added new object jnxCosFcQueueNr."

        REVISION     "200209090000Z"    -- Sep 09, 2002
        DESCRIPTION  "Added 'jnxCosFcIdTable' table."

        REVISION     "200201100000Z"    -- 10 Jan, 2002
        DESCRIPTION  "Initial Version"

        ::= { jnxMibs 15 }    

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  Textual Conventions
    -- ***************************************************************

    JnxCosAdminString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION 
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION "A string of up to 127 characters. This is
                     syntactically similar to 'DisplayString' except
                     that the length is limited to 127 octets. An
                     object with such a syntax may have max-access of
        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) 

    JnxCosFcIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION "A number identifying the forwarding class."
        SYNTAX      Integer32(0..7)

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  Interface queue (ifq) stats table
    -- ***************************************************************

    jnxCosIfqStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JnxCosIfqStatsEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      deprecated
            "This table exposes the per interface and per forwarding
             class output queue stats. Only those physical interfaces
             that support output queue stats appear in this table.
             This table is deprecated. `jnxCosQstatTable` should be
             used for per queue stats."
        ::= { jnxCos 1 }
    jnxCosIfqStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      JnxCosIfqStatsEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      deprecated
            "This entry contains interface-output-queue stats for a
             given forwarding class on the output queue of the
             specified interface."
        INDEX       { jnxCosIfqIfIndex, jnxCosIfqFc}
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsTable 1 }
    JnxCosIfqStatsEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            jnxCosIfqIfIndex                     InterfaceIndex,
            jnxCosIfqFc                          JnxCosAdminString, 

            -- Queued packet/byte stats
            jnxCosIfqQedPkts                     Counter64, 
            jnxCosIfqQedPktRate                  CounterBasedGauge64, 
            jnxCosIfqQedBytes                    Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqQedByteRate                 CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Transmitted packet/byte stats
            jnxCosIfqTxedPkts                    Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqTxedPktRate                 CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosIfqTxedBytes                   Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqTxedByteRate                CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Tail-dropped stats
            jnxCosIfqTailDropPkts                Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqTailDropPktRate             CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- RED-dropped packet stats
            jnxCosIfqTotalRedDropPkts            Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqTotalRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

            jnxCosIfqLpNonTcpRedDropPkts         Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqLpNonTcpRedDropPktRate      CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosIfqLpTcpRedDropPkts            Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqLpTcpRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

            jnxCosIfqHpNonTcpRedDropPkts         Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqHpNonTcpRedDropPktRate      CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosIfqHpTcpRedDropPkts            Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqHpTcpRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- RED-dropped byte stats
            jnxCosIfqTotalRedDropBytes           Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqTotalRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

            jnxCosIfqLpNonTcpRedDropBytes        Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqLpNonTcpRedDropByteRate     CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosIfqLpTcpRedDropBytes           Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqLpTcpRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

            jnxCosIfqHpNonTcpRedDropBytes        Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqHpNonTcpRedDropByteRate     CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosIfqHpTcpRedDropBytes           Counter64,
            jnxCosIfqHpTcpRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64

    jnxCosIfqIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex 
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible 
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The ifIndex of the interface." 
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 1 }

    jnxCosIfqFc OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      JnxCosAdminString
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The name of the forwarding class."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 2 }

    -- Queued packet/byte stats
    jnxCosIfqQedPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64 
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of packets of specified forwarding class
             queued at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 3 }

    jnxCosIfqQedPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which
             packets belonging to the the specified forwarding class
             were queued at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 4 }

    jnxCosIfqQedBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "Number of bytes of specified forwarding class queued at
             the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 5 }

    jnxCosIfqQedByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes
             belonging to the specified forwarding class were queued at
             the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 6 }

    -- Transmitted packet/byte stats
    jnxCosIfqTxedPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "Number of packets of specified forwarding class
             transmitted on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 7 }

    jnxCosIfqTxedPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which
             packets of specified forwarding class are transmitted on
             the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 8 }

    jnxCosIfqTxedBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "Total number of bytes belonging to specified forwarding
             class, transmitted on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 9 }

    jnxCosIfqTxedByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The current output byte rate (expressed in bytes per
             second) for the specified forwarding class on the given
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 10 }

    -- Tail-dropped packet stats
    jnxCosIfqTailDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of packets of specified forwarding class
             dropped due to tail dropping at the output on the given
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 11 }

    jnxCosIfqTailDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which
             packets belonging to the specified forwarding class were
             taildropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 12 }

    -- RED-dropped packet stats
    jnxCosIfqTotalRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "Total number of packets belonging to the specified
             forwarding class dropped due to RED (Random Early
             Detection) at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 13 }

    jnxCosIfqTotalRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The most recent estimate of per-second RED-dropped
             packets for the specified forwarding class at the output
             on the given interface"
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 14 }

    jnxCosIfqLpNonTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of low PLP (Packet Loss Priority) non
             TCP packets belonging to the specified forwarding class
             RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 15 }

    jnxCosIfqLpNonTcpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low
             PLP (Packet Loss Priority) non TCP packets belonging to
             the specified forwarding class, were RED-dropped at the
             output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 16 }

    jnxCosIfqLpTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of low PLP (Packet Loss Priority) TCP
             packets belonging to the specified forwarding class
             RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 17 }

    jnxCosIfqLpTcpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low
             PLP (Packet Loss Priority) TCP packets belonging to the
             specified forwarding class, were RED-dropped at the
             output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 18 }

    jnxCosIfqHpNonTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of high PLP (Packet Loss Priority) non
             TCP packets belonging to the specified forwarding class
             RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 19 }

    jnxCosIfqHpNonTcpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
             PLP (Packet Loss Priority) non TCP packets belonging to
             the specified forwarding class, were RED-dropped at the
             output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 20 }

    jnxCosIfqHpTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of high PLP (Packet Loss Priority) TCP
             packets belonging to the specified forwarding class
             RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 21 }

    jnxCosIfqHpTcpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
             PLP (Packet Loss Priority) TCP packets belonging to the
             specified forwarding class, were RED-dropped at the
             output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 22 }

    -- RED-dropped byte stats
    jnxCosIfqTotalRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of bytes belonging to the specified
             forwarding class RED-dropped at the output on the given
         ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 23 }

    jnxCosIfqTotalRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes
             belonging to the specified forwarding class were
             RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 24 }

    jnxCosIfqLpNonTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of low PLP (Packet Loss Priority) non
             TCP bytes belonging to the specified forwarding class
             RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 25 }

    jnxCosIfqLpNonTcpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
             (Packet Loss Priority) non TCP bytes belonging to the
             specified forwarding class, were RED-dropped at the
             output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 26 }

    jnxCosIfqLpTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of low PLP (Packet Loss Priority) TCP
             bytes belonging to the specified forwarding class
             RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 27 }

    jnxCosIfqLpTcpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
             (Packet Loss Priority) TCP bytes belonging to the
             specified forwarding class, were RED-dropped at the
             output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 28 }

    jnxCosIfqHpNonTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of high PLP (Packet Loss Priority) non
             TCP bytes belonging to the specified forwarding class
             RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 29 }

    jnxCosIfqHpNonTcpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high
             PLP (Packet Loss Priority) non TCP bytes belonging to the
             specified forwarding class, were RED-dropped at the
             output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 30 }

    jnxCosIfqHpTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The total number of high PLP (Packet Loss Priority) TCP
             bytes belonging to the specified forwarding class
             RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 31 }

    jnxCosIfqHpTcpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high
             PLP (Packet Loss Priority) TCP bytes belonging to the
             specified forwarding class, were RED-dropped at the
             output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIfqStatsEntry 32 }

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  Forwarding-class to Output-queue-number mapping
    -- ***************************************************************

    jnxCosFcTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JnxCosFcEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "This table exposes the mapping between forwarding class
             and output queue number."
        ::= { jnxCos 2 }
    jnxCosFcEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      JnxCosFcEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "This entry presents the output queue number for a
             specified forwarding class."
        INDEX       { jnxCosFcName }
        ::= { jnxCosFcTable 1 }
    JnxCosFcEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            jnxCosFcName         JnxCosAdminString, 
            jnxCosFcQueueNr      Integer32,
            jnxCosRestrictedQNr  Integer32

    jnxCosFcName OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      JnxCosAdminString 
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Name of the forwarding class."
        ::= { jnxCosFcEntry 1}

    jnxCosFcQueueNr OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..63) 
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The output queue number."
        ::= { jnxCosFcEntry 2}

    jnxCosRestrictedQNr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..63) 
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The configured restricted output queue number for the
            specified forwarding class."
        ::= { jnxCosFcEntry 3}

    -- ***************************************************************
    -- FcId (Forwarding-class-identifiers) table.
    -- ***************************************************************
    jnxCosFcIdTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JnxCosFcIdEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "This table presents information on forwarding-classes
            configured on the system. Each entry is indexed using
            a unique forwarding-class-identifier (FcId)."
        ::= { jnxCos 3 }
    jnxCosFcIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      JnxCosFcIdEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Each entry represents information on a forwarding-class.
            The entries are indexed using FcId."
        INDEX       { jnxCosFcId }
        ::= { jnxCosFcIdTable 1 }
    JnxCosFcIdEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            jnxCosFcId                  JnxCosFcIdentifier,
            jnxCosFcIdToFcName          JnxCosAdminString,
            jnxCosFcFabricPriority      INTEGER

       SYNTAX      JnxCosFcIdentifier    
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "An Id that identifies a forwarding class."
       ::= { jnxCosFcIdEntry 1 }

   jnxCosFcIdToFcName OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      JnxCosAdminString 
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The name of the forwarding class for a given FcId." 
       ::= { jnxCosFcIdEntry 2 }

   jnxCosFcFabricPriority OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     INTEGER {
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The fabric priority for packets belonging to the specified
       ::= { jnxCosFcIdEntry 3 }

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  Per queue stats table
    -- ***************************************************************
    jnxCosQstatTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JnxCosQstatEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "This table presents the per queue stats. Only those
            physical interfaces that support output queue stats appear
            in this table."
        ::= { jnxCos 4 }
    jnxCosQstatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      JnxCosQstatEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "This entry contains interface output queue stats for a
             given output queue on the specified interface."
        INDEX       { jnxCosQstatIfIndex, jnxCosQstatQueueNr}
        ::= { jnxCosQstatTable 1 }
    JnxCosQstatEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            jnxCosQstatIfIndex                     InterfaceIndex,
            jnxCosQstatQueueNr                     Integer32,

            -- Queued packet/byte stats
            jnxCosQstatQedPkts                     Counter64, 
            jnxCosQstatQedPktRate                  CounterBasedGauge64, 
            jnxCosQstatQedBytes                    Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatQedByteRate                 CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Transmitted packet/byte stats
            jnxCosQstatTxedPkts                    Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatTxedPktRate                 CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatTxedBytes                   Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatTxedByteRate                CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Tail-dropped stats
            jnxCosQstatTailDropPkts                Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatTailDropPktRate             CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- RED-dropped packet stats
            jnxCosQstatTotalRedDropPkts            Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatTotalRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Per dp stats when tri color is not configured
            jnxCosQstatLpNonTcpRedDropPkts         Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatLpNonTcpRDropPktRate        CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropPkts            Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

            jnxCosQstatHpNonTcpRedDropPkts         Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatHpNonTcpRDropPktRate        CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatHpTcpRedDropPkts            Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatHpTcpRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- RED-dropped byte stats
            jnxCosQstatTotalRedDropBytes           Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatTotalRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Per dp byte stats when tri color is not configured
            jnxCosQstatLpNonTcpRedDropBytes        Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatLpNonTcpRDropByteRate       CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropBytes           Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

            jnxCosQstatHpNonTcpRedDropBytes        Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatHpNonTcpRDropByteRate       CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatHpTcpRedDropBytes           Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatHpTcpRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Per dp stats when tri color is configured
            jnxCosQstatLpRedDropPkts               Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatLpRedDropPktRate            CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatMLpRedDropPkts              Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatMLpRedDropPktRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatMHpRedDropPkts              Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatMHpRedDropPktRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatHpRedDropPkts               Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatHpRedDropPktRate            CounterBasedGauge64,
            -- Per dp byte stats when tri color is configured
            jnxCosQstatLpRedDropBytes               Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatLpRedDropByteRate            CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatMLpRedDropBytes              Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatMLpRedDropByteRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatMHpRedDropBytes              Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatMHpRedDropByteRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosQstatHpRedDropBytes               Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatHpRedDropByteRate            CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Rate Limit dropped packet stats
            jnxCosQstatRateLimitDropPkts            Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatRateLimitDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Rate Limit dropped byte stats
            jnxCosQstatRateLimitDropBytes           Counter64,
            jnxCosQstatRateLimitDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64

    jnxCosQstatIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex 
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible 
        STATUS      current
            "The ifIndex of the interface." 
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 1 }

    jnxCosQstatQueueNr OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Integer32(0..63)
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "The output queue number."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 2 }

    -- Queued packet/byte stats
    jnxCosQstatQedPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64 
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of packets queued at the output queue."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 3 }

    jnxCosQstatQedPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which packets
            were queued at the output queue."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 4 }

    jnxCosQstatQedBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Number of bytes queued at the output queue."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 5 }

    jnxCosQstatQedByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes
            were queued at the output queue."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 6 }

    -- Transmitted packet/byte stats
    jnxCosQstatTxedPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Number of packets transmitted on the queue."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 7 }

    jnxCosQstatTxedPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The output queue's packet transmit rate, expressed in
            packets per second."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 8 }

    jnxCosQstatTxedBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Number of bytes transmitted on the queue."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 9 }

    jnxCosQstatTxedByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The queue's current transmit rate in bytes per second."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 10 }

    -- Tail-dropped packet stats
    jnxCosQstatTailDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of packets tail dropped at the output queue." 
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 11 }

    jnxCosQstatTailDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The tail drop packet rate (expressed in packets per second)
            for the queue."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 12 }

    -- RED-dropped packet stats
    jnxCosQstatTotalRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Total number of packets dropped due to RED (Random Early
             Detection) at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 13 }

    jnxCosQstatTotalRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The most recent estimate of per-second RED-dropped packets
            at the output queue on the given interface"
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 14 }

    jnxCosQstatLpNonTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP non TCP packets RED-dropped."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 15 }

    jnxCosQstatLpNonTcpRDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low
            PLP non TCP packets were RED-dropped."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 16 }

    jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP  TCP packets RED-dropped at
            the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 17 }

    jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low PLP
            TCP packets were RED-dropped at the output on the given
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 18 }

    jnxCosQstatHpNonTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP  non TCP packets RED-dropped
            at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 19 }

    jnxCosQstatHpNonTcpRDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
            PLP  non TCP packets  were RED-dropped
            at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 20 }

    jnxCosQstatHpTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP  TCP packets RED-dropped at
            the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 21 }

    jnxCosQstatHpTcpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
            PLP TCP packets were RED-dropped at the output."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 22 }

    -- RED-dropped byte stats
    jnxCosQstatTotalRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of bytes RED-dropped at the output on the
            given interface."
         ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 23 }

    jnxCosQstatTotalRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes
            were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 24 }

    jnxCosQstatLpNonTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP non TCP bytes RED-dropped at
            the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 25 }

    jnxCosQstatLpNonTcpRDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
            non TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 26 }

    jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP  TCP
            bytes RED-dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 27 }

    jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
            TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 28 }

    jnxCosQstatHpNonTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP non TCP bytes RED-dropped at
            the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 29 }

    jnxCosQstatHpNonTcpRDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high
            PLP non TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output queue on
            the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 30 }

    jnxCosQstatHpTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
            output queue on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 31 }

    jnxCosQstatHpTcpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high PLP
            TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 32 }

    jnxCosQstatLpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP packets RED-droppped at 
            the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 33 }
    jnxCosQstatLpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low
            PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 34 }

    jnxCosQstatMLpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of medium-low PLP packets RED-droppped at 
            the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 35 }

    jnxCosQstatMLpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which medium-low
            PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 36 }

    jnxCosQstatMHpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of medium-high PLP packets RED-droppped at 
            the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 37 }

    jnxCosQstatMHpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which medium-high
            PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 38 }

    jnxCosQstatHpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP packets RED-droppped at 
            the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 39 }

    jnxCosQstatHpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
            PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 40 }

    jnxCosQstatLpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The total number of low PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
        output queue on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 41 }

    jnxCosQstatLpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
        TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 42 }

    jnxCosQstatMLpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The total number of medium-low PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
        output queue on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 43 }

    jnxCosQstatMLpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which medium-low PLP
        TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 44 }

    jnxCosQstatMHpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The total number of medium-high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
        output queue on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 45 }

    jnxCosQstatMHpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which medium-high PLP
        TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 46 }

    jnxCosQstatHpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The total number of high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
        output queue on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 47 }

    jnxCosQstatHpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high PLP
        TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 48 }

    -- Rate Limit dropped packet stats
    jnxCosQstatRateLimitDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The total number of rate-limit dropped packets
        at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 49 }

    jnxCosQstatRateLimitDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which packets
        are rate-limit dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 50 }

    jnxCosQstatRateLimitDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The total number of rate-limit dropped bytes
        at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 51 }

    jnxCosQstatRateLimitDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes
        are rate-limit dropped at the output on the given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosQstatEntry 52 }

        -- ***************************************************************
        --  Per interface cos stats flags
        --  There are three flags which indicate what kind of 
        --  RED stats are supported for an interface.
        --  perRedDropProfileValid - This ifd supports per Dp stats
        --  triColorConfiguredAndCapable - Tri Color Marking is 
        --  configured and this ifd supports tri color.
        --  triColorConfiguredAndNotCapable - Tri Color Marking is
        --  configured, but this ifd doesn't support tri color.
        --  triColor Flags should be looked at only if
        --  perRedDropProfileValid is set.
        --  If perRedDropProfileValid is not set, then this interface
        --  doesn't support per Dp stats. In that case none of the
        --  per Dp stats are valid, and should be ignored.
        --  If only perRedDropProfileValid is set then this interface
        --  supports per Dp per protocol stats. In that case the 
        --  following stats are valid:
        --  LpNonTcp, LpTcp, HpNonTcp and HpTcp.
        --  and the following are not valid:
        --  Lp, MLp, MHp and Hp.
        --  If perRedDropProfileValid is set and triColorConfiguredAndCapable
        --  is set then the following stats are valid:
        --  Lp, MLp, MHp and Hp.
        --  and the following are not valid:
        --  LpTcp, LpNonTcp, HpTcp and HpNonTcp.
        --  If perRedDropProfileValid is set and 
        --  triColorConfiguredAndNotCapable
        --  is set then the following stats are valid:
        --  Lp, and Hp.
        --  and the following are not valid:
        --  LpTcp, LpNonTcp, HpTcp, HpNonTcp, MLp and MHp.
        -- ***************************************************************

        JnxCosIfstatFlags ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS       current
            "Flags related to per interface drop profile stats"
        SYNTAX     BITS {

       jnxCosIfstatFlagTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF JnxCosIfstatFlagEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "This table presents the per interface cos stats flags."
           ::= { jnxCos 5 }

       jnxCosIfstatFlagEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     JnxCosIfstatFlagEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
               "This entry contains interface cos stats flags."
           INDEX {jnxCosIfIndex}
           ::= { jnxCosIfstatFlagTable 1 }

       JnxCosIfstatFlagEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               jnxCosIfIndex      InterfaceIndex,
               jnxCosIfstatFlags  JnxCosIfstatFlags

       jnxCosIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "The ifIndex of the interface."
           ::= {jnxCosIfstatFlagEntry 1}

       jnxCosIfstatFlags OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      JnxCosIfstatFlags
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The cos stats flags for the interface."
           ::= {jnxCosIfstatFlagEntry 2}

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  Per queue stats table
    -- ***************************************************************
    jnxCosInvQstatTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JnxCosInvQstatEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "This table presents the same information as the jnxCosQstatTable,
            but with an inverted INDEX.  Rather than being ordered by ifIndex
            and Queue Number, this table is ordered by Queue Number and
        ::= { jnxCos 6 }
    jnxCosInvQstatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      JnxCosInvQstatEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "See jnxCosQstatEntry."
        INDEX       { jnxCosInvQstatQueueNr, jnxCosInvQstatIfIndex }
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatTable 1 }
    JnxCosInvQstatEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            jnxCosInvQstatQueueNr                     Integer32,
            jnxCosInvQstatIfIndex                     InterfaceIndex,

            -- Queued packet/byte stats
            jnxCosInvQstatQedPkts                     Counter64, 
            jnxCosInvQstatQedPktRate                  CounterBasedGauge64, 
            jnxCosInvQstatQedBytes                    Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatQedByteRate                 CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Transmitted packet/byte stats
            jnxCosInvQstatTxedPkts                    Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatTxedPktRate                 CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatTxedBytes                   Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatTxedByteRate                CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Tail-dropped stats
            jnxCosInvQstatTailDropPkts                Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatTailDropPktRate             CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- RED-dropped packet stats
            jnxCosInvQstatTotalRedDropPkts            Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatTotalRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Per dp stats when tri color is not configured
            jnxCosInvQstatLpNonTcpRedDropPkts         Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatLpNonTcpRDropPktRate        CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatLpTcpRedDropPkts            Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatLpTcpRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

            jnxCosInvQstatHpNonTcpRedDropPkts         Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatHpNonTcpRDropPktRate        CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatHpTcpRedDropPkts            Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatHpTcpRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- RED-dropped byte stats
            jnxCosInvQstatTotalRedDropBytes           Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatTotalRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Per dp byte stats when tri color is not configured
            jnxCosInvQstatLpNonTcpRedDropBytes        Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatLpNonTcpRDropByteRate       CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatLpTcpRedDropBytes           Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatLpTcpRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

            jnxCosInvQstatHpNonTcpRedDropBytes        Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatHpNonTcpRDropByteRate       CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatHpTcpRedDropBytes           Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatHpTcpRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

            -- Per dp stats when tri color is configured
            jnxCosInvQstatLpRedDropPkts               Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatLpRedDropPktRate            CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatMLpRedDropPkts              Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatMLpRedDropPktRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatMHpRedDropPkts              Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatMHpRedDropPktRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatHpRedDropPkts               Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatHpRedDropPktRate            CounterBasedGauge64,
            -- Per dp byte stats when tri color is configured
            jnxCosInvQstatLpRedDropBytes               Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatLpRedDropByteRate            CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatMLpRedDropBytes              Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatMLpRedDropByteRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatMHpRedDropBytes              Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatMHpRedDropByteRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
            jnxCosInvQstatHpRedDropBytes               Counter64,
            jnxCosInvQstatHpRedDropByteRate            CounterBasedGauge64

    -- Table Index
    jnxCosInvQstatQueueNr OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Integer32(0..63)
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "The output queue number."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 1 }

    jnxCosInvQstatIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex 
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible 
        STATUS      current
            "The ifIndex of the interface." 
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 2 }

    -- Queued packet/byte stats
    jnxCosInvQstatQedPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64 
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of packets queued at the output queue.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 3 }

    jnxCosInvQstatQedPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which packets
            were queued at the output queue.  See jnxCosQstatQedPktRate"
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 4 }

    jnxCosInvQstatQedBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Number of bytes queued at the output queue.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 5 }

    jnxCosInvQstatQedByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes
            were queued at the output queue.  See jnxCosQstatQedByteRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 6 }

    -- Transmitted packet/byte stats
    jnxCosInvQstatTxedPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Number of packets transmitted on the queue.  See 
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 7 }

    jnxCosInvQstatTxedPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The output queue's packet transmit rate, expressed in
            packets per second.  See jnxCosQstatTxedPktRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 8 }

    jnxCosInvQstatTxedBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Number of bytes transmitted on the queue.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 9 }

    jnxCosInvQstatTxedByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The queue's current transmit rate in bytes per second.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 10 }

    -- Tail-dropped packet stats
    jnxCosInvQstatTailDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of packets tail dropped at the output queue.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 11 }

    jnxCosInvQstatTailDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The tail drop packet rate (expressed in packets per second)
            for the queue.  See jnxCosQstatTailDropPktRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 12 }

    -- RED-dropped packet stats
    jnxCosInvQstatTotalRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Total number of packets dropped due to RED (Random Early
            Detection) at the output on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 13 }

    jnxCosInvQstatTotalRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The most recent estimate of per-second RED-dropped packets
            at the output queue on the given interface.  See 
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 14 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpNonTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP non TCP packets RED-dropped.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 15 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpNonTcpRDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low
            PLP non TCP packets were RED-dropped.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 16 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP  TCP packets RED-dropped at
            the output on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 17 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpTcpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low PLP
            TCP packets were RED-dropped at the output on the given
            interface.  See jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropPktRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 18 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpNonTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP  non TCP packets RED-dropped
            at the output on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 19 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpNonTcpRDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
            PLP  non TCP packets  were RED-dropped at the output on the given 
            interface.  See jnxCosQstatHpNonTcpRDropPktRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 20 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP  TCP packets RED-dropped at
            the output on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 21 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpTcpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
            PLP TCP packets were RED-dropped at the output.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 22 }

    -- RED-dropped byte stats
    jnxCosInvQstatTotalRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of bytes RED-dropped at the output on the
            given interface.  See jnxCosQstatTotalRedDropBytes."
         ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 23 }

    jnxCosInvQstatTotalRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes
            were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 24 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpNonTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP non TCP bytes RED-dropped at
            the output on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 25 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpNonTcpRDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
            non TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
            interface.  See jnxCosQstatLpNonTcpRDropByteRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 26 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the output 
            on the given interface.  See jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropBytes."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 27 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpTcpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
            TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
            interface.  See jnxCosQstatLpTcpRedDropByteRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 28 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpNonTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP non TCP bytes RED-dropped at
            the output on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 29 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpNonTcpRDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high
            PLP non TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output queue on
            the given interface.  See jnxCosQstatHpNonTcpRDropByteRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 30 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
            output queue on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 31 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpTcpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high PLP
            TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
            interface.  See jnxCosQstatHpTcpRedDropByteRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 32 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP packets RED-droppped at 
            the output on the given interface.  See jnxCosQstatLpRedDropPkts."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 33 }
    jnxCosInvQstatLpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low
            PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 34 }

    jnxCosInvQstatMLpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of medium-low PLP packets RED-droppped at 
            the output on the given interface.  See jnxCosQstatMLpRedDropPkts."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 35 }

    jnxCosInvQstatMLpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which medium-low
            PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 36 }

    jnxCosInvQstatMHpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of medium-high PLP packets RED-droppped at 
            the output on the given interface.  See jnxCosQstatMHpRedDropPkts."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 37 }

    jnxCosInvQstatMHpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which medium-high
            PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 38 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP packets RED-droppped at 
            the output on the given interface.  See jnxCosQstatHpRedDropPkts."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 39 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
            PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 40 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of low PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
            output queue on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 41 }

    jnxCosInvQstatLpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
            TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
            interface.  See jnxCosQstatLpRedDropByteRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 42 }

    jnxCosInvQstatMLpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of medium-low PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
            output queue on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 43 }

    jnxCosInvQstatMLpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which medium-low PLP
            TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
            interface.  See jnxCosQstatMLpRedDropByteRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 44 }

    jnxCosInvQstatMHpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of medium-high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
            output queue on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 45 }

    jnxCosInvQstatMHpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which medium-high PLP
            TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
            interface.  See jnxCosQstatMHpRedDropByteRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 46 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
            output queue on the given interface.  See
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 47 }

    jnxCosInvQstatHpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high PLP
            TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given
            interface.  See jnxCosQstatHpRedDropByteRate."
        ::= { jnxCosInvQstatEntry 48 }

   -- ***************************************************************
   --  Per ingress queue stats table
   -- ***************************************************************
   jnxCosIngressQstatTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JnxCosIngressQstatEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "This table presents the per queue stats. Only those
           physical interfaces that support ingress queue stats appear
           in this table."
       ::= { jnxCos 7 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      JnxCosIngressQstatEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "This entry contains interface ingress queue stats for a
            given ingress queue on the specified interface."
       INDEX       { jnxCosIngressQstatIfIndex, jnxCosIngressQstatQueueNr}
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatTable 1 }

   JnxCosIngressQstatEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           jnxCosIngressQstatIfIndex                     InterfaceIndex,
           jnxCosIngressQstatQueueNr                     Integer32,

           -- Queued packet/byte stats
           jnxCosIngressQstatQedPkts                     Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatQedPktRate                  CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatQedBytes                    Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatQedByteRate                 CounterBasedGauge64,

           -- Transmitted packet/byte stats
           -- Trasmitted by "ingress TM" from IQ2 pic to PFE
           jnxCosIngressQstatTxedPkts                    Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatTxedPktRate                 CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatTxedBytes                   Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatTxedByteRate                CounterBasedGauge64,

           -- Tail-dropped stats
           jnxCosIngressQstatTailDropPkts                Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatTailDropPktRate             CounterBasedGauge64,

           -- RED-dropped packet stats
           jnxCosIngressQstatTotalRedDropPkts            Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatTotalRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

           -- Per dp stats when tri color is not configured
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpNonTcpRedDropPkts         Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpNonTcpRDropPktRate        CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpTcpRedDropPkts            Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpTcpRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

           jnxCosIngressQstatHpNonTcpRedDropPkts         Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatHpNonTcpRDropPktRate        CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatHpTcpRedDropPkts            Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatHpTcpRedDropPktRate         CounterBasedGauge64,

           -- RED-dropped byte stats
           jnxCosIngressQstatTotalRedDropBytes           Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatTotalRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

           -- Per dp byte stats when tri color is not configured
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpNonTcpRedDropBytes        Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpNonTcpRDropByteRate       CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpTcpRedDropBytes           Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpTcpRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

           jnxCosIngressQstatHpNonTcpRedDropBytes        Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatHpNonTcpRDropByteRate       CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatHpTcpRedDropBytes           Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatHpTcpRedDropByteRate        CounterBasedGauge64,

           -- Per dp stats when tri color is configured
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpRedDropPkts               Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpRedDropPktRate            CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatMLpRedDropPkts              Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatMLpRedDropPktRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatMHpRedDropPkts              Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatMHpRedDropPktRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatHpRedDropPkts               Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatHpRedDropPktRate            CounterBasedGauge64,
           -- Per dp byte stats when tri color is configured
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpRedDropBytes               Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatLpRedDropByteRate            CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatMLpRedDropBytes              Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatMLpRedDropByteRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatMHpRedDropBytes              Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatMHpRedDropByteRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatHpRedDropBytes               Counter64,
           jnxCosIngressQstatHpRedDropByteRate            CounterBasedGauge64

   jnxCosIngressQstatIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "The ifIndex of the interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 1 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatQueueNr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Integer32(0..63)
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "The ingress queue number."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 2 }

   -- Queued packet/byte stats
   jnxCosIngressQstatQedPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of packets queued at the ingress queue."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 3 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatQedPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which packets
           were queued at the ingress queue."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 4 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatQedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "Number of bytes queued at the ingress queue."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 5 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatQedByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes
           were queued at the ingress queue."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 6 }

   -- Transmitted packet/byte stats
   -- Trasmitted by "ingress TM" from IQ2 pic to PFE
   jnxCosIngressQstatTxedPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "Number of packets transmitted on the queue."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 7 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatTxedPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The input queue's packet transmit rate, expressed in
           packets per second."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 8 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatTxedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "Number of bytes transmitted on the queue."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 9 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatTxedByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The queue's current transmit rate in bytes per second."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 10 }

   -- Tail-dropped packet stats
   jnxCosIngressQstatTailDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The number of packets tail dropped at the ingress queue."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 11 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatTailDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The tail drop packet rate (expressed in packets per second)
           for the queue."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 12 }

   -- RED-dropped packet stats
   jnxCosIngressQstatTotalRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "Total number of packets dropped due to RED (Random Early
            Detection) at the on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 13 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatTotalRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The most recent estimate of per-second RED-dropped packets
           at the ingress queue on the given interface"
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 14 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpNonTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of low PLP non TCP packets RED-dropped."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 15 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpNonTcpRDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low
           PLP non TCP packets were RED-dropped."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 16 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of low PLP  TCP packets RED-dropped at
           the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 17 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpTcpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low PLP
           TCP packets were RED-dropped at the ingress on the given
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 18 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpNonTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of high PLP  non TCP packets RED-dropped
           at the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 19 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpNonTcpRDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
           PLP  non TCP packets  were RED-dropped
           at the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 20 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpTcpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of high PLP  TCP packets RED-dropped at
           the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 21 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpTcpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
           PLP TCP packets were RED-dropped at the ingress."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 22 }

   -- RED-dropped byte stats
   jnxCosIngressQstatTotalRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of bytes RED-dropped at the ingress on the
           given interface."
        ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 23 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatTotalRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes
           were RED-dropped at the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 24 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpNonTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of low PLP non TCP bytes RED-dropped at
           the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 25 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpNonTcpRDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
           non TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the ingress on the given
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 26 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of low PLP  TCP
           bytes RED-dropped at the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 27 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpTcpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
           TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the ingress on the given
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 28 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpNonTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of high PLP non TCP bytes RED-dropped at
           the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 29 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpNonTcpRDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high
           PLP non TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the ingress queue on
           the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 30 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpTcpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
           ingress queue on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 31 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpTcpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high PLP
           TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the ingress on the given
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 32 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of low PLP packets RED-droppped at
           the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 33 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low
           PLP packets were RED-dropped at the ingress ."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 34 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatMLpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of medium-low PLP packets RED-droppped at
           the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 35 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatMLpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which medium-low
           PLP packets were RED-dropped at the ingress ."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 36 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatMHpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of medium-high PLP packets RED-droppped at
           the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 37 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatMHpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which medium-high
           PLP packets were RED-dropped at the ingress."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 38 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpRedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The total number of high PLP packets RED-droppped at
           the ingress on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 39 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpRedDropPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high
           PLP packets were RED-dropped at the ingress."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 40 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
       "The total number of low PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
       ingress queue on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 41 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatLpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
       "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP
       TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the ingress on the given
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 42 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatMLpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
       "The total number of medium-low PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
       ingress queue on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 43 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatMLpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
       "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which medium-low PLP
       TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the ingress on the given
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 44 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatMHpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
       "The total number of medium-high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
       ingress queue on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 45 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatMHpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
       "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which medium-high PLP
       TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the ingress on the given
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 46 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpRedDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
       "The total number of high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the
       ingress queue on the given interface."
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 47 }

   jnxCosIngressQstatHpRedDropByteRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      CounterBasedGauge64
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
       "The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high PLP
       TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the ingress on the given
       ::= { jnxCosIngressQstatEntry 48 }

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  Cos Traps / Notifications
    -- ***************************************************************
   -- Cos Notification Variables/Objects
   jnxCosNotifyVars OBJECT-IDENTITY
       STATUS current
       "Cos notification object definitions."
       ::= { jnxCos 8 }
   jnxCosInterfaceName OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      DisplayString 
       MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
       STATUS      current
       "The textual name of the Cos interface." 
       ::= { jnxCosNotifyVars 1 }

   -- Cos Notifications
   jnxCosNotificationsPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY
      STATUS current
      "All Cosd notifications are registered under this branch."
      ::= { jnxCosNotifications 0 }

    jnxCosOutOfDedicatedQueues NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS         { jnxCosInterfaceName }
        STATUS          current
        "No more dedicated CoS queues available"
        ::= { jnxCosNotificationsPrefix  1 }

    jnxCosAlmostOutOfDedicatedQueues NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS         { jnxCosInterfaceName }
        STATUS          current
        "Only 10% of dedicated CoS queues are available"
        ::= { jnxCosNotificationsPrefix  2 }