-- *******************************************************************
-- Juniper enterprise Network Address Translation (NAT) MIB.
-- Copyright (c) 2001-2007, Juniper Networks, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- The contents of this document are subject to change without notice.
-- *******************************************************************



        Gauge32, Integer32,

	InterfaceIndex                  FROM IF-MIB

    	DisplayString		        FROM SNMPv2-TC 
        InetAddressIPv4 	        FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB

	jnxJsNAT                        FROM JUNIPER-JS-SMI;

    	LAST-UPDATED  "201203011122Z" -- March 01, 2012
    	ORGANIZATION  "Juniper Networks, Inc."
					"Juniper Technical Assistance Center
						Juniper Networks, Inc.
						1194 N. Mathilda Avenue
						Sunnyvale, CA 94089

						E-mail: support@juniper.net
            "This module defines the object that are used to monitor
             network address translation attributes."

        REVISION        "200704132022Z" -- April 13, 2007
    	DESCRIPTION 	"Creation Date"

        REVISION        "201203011122Z" -- March 01, 2012
        DESCRIPTION     "Deprecated jnxJsNatRuleTransHits and
                         jnxJsNatPoolTransHits, added
                         jnxJsNatRuleHits and jnxJsNatPoolHits."

    ::= { jnxJsNAT 1 }   

    jnxJsNatNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxJsNatMIB 0 }
    jnxJsNatObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxJsNatMIB 1 }
    jnxJsNatTrapVars      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxJsNatMIB 2 }

    -- ***************************************************************
    -- Source NAT (Network Address Translation) Table  
    -- ***************************************************************

    jnxJsSrcNatNumOfEntries OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Total number of dynamic addresses being translated.  

			 jnxJsSrcNatNumOfEntries provides the total number 
		     of entries in the jnxJsSrcNatTable. "
            ::= { jnxJsNatObjects 1 }

    jnxJsSrcNatTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF JnxJsSrcNatEntry 
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        deprecated
            "This table exposes the source NAT translation 
			 attributes of the translated addresses. 

			 When performing source IP address translation, the device 
			 translates the original source IP address and/or port 
			 number to different one.  The resource, address source pools
			 provide the security device with a supply of addresses from 
			 which to draw when performing source network address translation.

			 The security device has the following types of source pools:
				- source pool with PAT (Port Address Translation)
				- source pool without PAT
				- Static Source Pool

			 This table contains information on source IP address 
			 translation only."
    	::= { jnxJsNatObjects 2 }   

    jnxJsSrcNatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        JnxJsSrcNatEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        deprecated
            "Source NAT address entries.  It is indexed by the address  
			 pool table and the address allocated. "
        INDEX   { jnxJsNatSrcIpPoolName,
				  jnxJsNatSrcGlobalAddr  }
        ::= { jnxJsSrcNatTable 1 }

    JnxJsSrcNatEntry ::= SEQUENCE
        jnxJsNatSrcIpPoolName			DisplayString,
		jnxJsNatSrcGlobalAddr			InetAddressIPv4,
		jnxJsNatSrcPortPoolType			INTEGER,
		jnxJsNatSrcNumOfPortInuse 		INTEGER,
		jnxJsNatSrcNumOfSessions 		INTEGER,
		jnxJsNatSrcAssocatedIf 			InterfaceIndex

    jnxJsNatSrcIpPoolName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) 
        MAX-ACCESS    accessible-for-notify 
        STATUS        deprecated
        	"The name of dynamic source IP address pool. 

			 This is the address pool where the translated   
			 address is allocated from. "
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatEntry 1 }

	jnxJsNatSrcGlobalAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        InetAddressIPv4
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        deprecated
        	"The name of dynamic source IP address allocated from 
		 	the address pool used in the NAT translation. "
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatEntry 2 }

	jnxJsNatSrcPortPoolType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
						withPAT 		(1),
						withoutPAT		(2),
						static 			(3)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        	"Source NAT can do address translation with or without port 
		 	 address translation (PAT).  The source port pool type indicates
			 whether the address translation is done with port or without
         	 the port, or if it is a static translation.
			 withPAT(Source Pool with PAT): the security device translates 
			 both source IP address and port number of the packets 

			 withoutPAT (Source Pool without PAT): the device performs source 
			 network address translation for the IP address without 
			 performing port address translation (PAT) for the source port

			 Static translation means that one range of IP addresses is 
		     statically mapped one to one to a shifted range of IP addresses. 
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatEntry 3 }

	jnxJsNatSrcNumOfPortInuse OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only 
        STATUS        deprecated
       	 	"The number of ports in use for this NAT address entry.

			 This attribute is only applicable to NAT translation with 
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatEntry 4 }

	jnxJsNatSrcNumOfSessions OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only 
        STATUS        deprecated
        	"The number of sessions are in use based on this NAT address 

			 This attribute is only applicable to NAT translation without PAT."
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatEntry 5 }

	jnxJsNatSrcAssocatedIf OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        InterfaceIndex
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only 
        STATUS        deprecated
        	"The index of interface associated with this NAT address entry. 

                 This is an unique value, greater than zero, for each 
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatEntry 6 }

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  Port Usage of Interface Source Pool 
    -- ***************************************************************

    jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF JnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
			"This table monitors the port usage of the NAT interface 
			 source IP address pool.

			 Interface source pool is pre-defined.  This source pool is
			 referenced in a policy it is configured.  The security 
			 device translates the source IP address to the address of
             the egress interface for the traffic matching a policy which 
             references interface source pool.  The security device always 
             applies port address translation (PAT) for interface source
             pool. "
        ::= { jnxJsNatObjects 3 }  

    jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        JnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
            "Source NAT address entries.  It is indexed by the address  
             pool table and the address. "
        INDEX   { jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolIndex }
        ::= { jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortTable 1 }

    JnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE
		jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolIndex 		         INTEGER,
		jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolTotalSinglePorts    INTEGER,
		jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolAllocSinglePorts    INTEGER,
        jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolTotalTwinPorts      INTEGER,
        jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolAllocTwinPorts      INTEGER

    jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER(0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
        	"The index of the port pool of this address pool."
    ::= { jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortEntry 1 }

    jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolTotalSinglePorts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        	"The total number of single ports in a port pool."
    ::= { jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortEntry 2 }

    jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolAllocSinglePorts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        	"The number of single ports in a port pool allocated 
			 or inuse."
    ::= { jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortEntry 3 }

    jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolTotalTwinPorts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        	"The total number of twin ports in a port pool."
    ::= { jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortEntry 4 }

    jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolAllocTwinPorts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        	"The number of twin ports in a port pool allocated 
			 or inuse."
    ::= { jnxJsNatIfSrcPoolPortEntry 5 }

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  New Source NAT Table
    -- ***************************************************************

    jnxJsSrcNatStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF JnxJsSrcNatStatsEntry 
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
            "This table exposes the source NAT translation 
			 attributes of the translated addresses. 

			 When performing source IP address translation, the device 
			 translates the original source IP address and/or port 
			 number to different one.  The resource, address source pools
			 provide the security device with a supply of addresses from 
			 which to draw when performing source network address translation.

			 The security device has the following types of source pools:
				- source pool with PAT (Port Address Translation)
				- source pool without PAT
				- Static Source Pool

			 This table contains information on source IP address 
			 translation only."
    	::= { jnxJsNatObjects 4 }   

    jnxJsSrcNatStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        JnxJsSrcNatStatsEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
            "Source NAT address entries.  It is indexed by the address  
			 pool table and the address allocated. "
        INDEX   { jnxJsNatSrcPoolName,
                  jnxJsNatSrcXlatedAddr  }
        ::= { jnxJsSrcNatStatsTable 1 }

    JnxJsSrcNatStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE
        jnxJsNatSrcPoolName			DisplayString,
        jnxJsNatSrcXlatedAddrType	InetAddressType,
        jnxJsNatSrcXlatedAddr		InetAddress,
        jnxJsNatSrcPoolType         INTEGER,
        jnxJsNatSrcNumPortInuse     INTEGER,
        jnxJsNatSrcNumSessions      INTEGER

    jnxJsNatSrcPoolName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) 
        MAX-ACCESS    accessible-for-notify 
        STATUS        current
        	"The name of dynamic source IP address pool. 

			 This is the address pool where the translated   
			 address is allocated from. "
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatStatsEntry 1 }

	jnxJsNatSrcXlatedAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
            "The type of dynamic source IP address allocated from 
            the address pool used in the NAT translation. 
            For NAT MIB, supporting ipv4(1) and ipv6(2) only."
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatStatsEntry 2 }

	jnxJsNatSrcXlatedAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        InetAddress
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
        	"The name of dynamic source IP address allocated from 
		 	the address pool used in the NAT translation. 
		 	For NAT MIB, supporting IPv4 and IPv6 address only. "
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatStatsEntry 3 }

	jnxJsNatSrcPoolType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                        withPAT         (1),
                        withoutPAT      (2),
                        static          (3)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        	"Source NAT can do address translation with or without port 
		 	 address translation (PAT).  The source port pool type indicates
			 whether the address translation is done with port or without
         	 the port, or if it is a static translation.
			 withPAT(Source Pool with PAT): the security device translates 
			 both source IP address and port number of the packets 

			 withoutPAT (Source Pool without PAT): the device performs source 
			 network address translation for the IP address without 
			 performing port address translation (PAT) for the source port

			 Static translation means that one range of IP addresses is 
		     statically mapped one to one to a shifted range of IP addresses. 
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatStatsEntry 4 }

	jnxJsNatSrcNumPortInuse OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only 
        STATUS        current
       	 	"The number of ports in use for this NAT address entry.

			 This attribute is only applicable to NAT translation with 
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatStatsEntry 5 }

	jnxJsNatSrcNumSessions OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only 
        STATUS        current
        	"The number of sessions are in use based on this NAT address 

			 This attribute is only applicable to NAT translation without PAT."
		::= { jnxJsSrcNatStatsEntry 6 }

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  NAT Rule Hit Table
    -- ***************************************************************

    jnxJsNatRuleTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF JnxJsNatRuleEntry 
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
			"This table monitors NAT rule hits  "
        ::= { jnxJsNatObjects 5 }  

    jnxJsNatRuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        JnxJsNatRuleEntry 
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
            "NAT rule hit entries.  It is indexed by the rule index"
        INDEX   { jnxJsNatRuleName, jnxJsNatRuleType }
        ::= { jnxJsNatRuleTable 1 }

    JnxJsNatRuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE
        jnxJsNatRuleName                     DisplayString,
        jnxJsNatRuleType                     INTEGER,
        jnxJsNatRuleTransHits                INTEGER,
        jnxJsNatRuleHits                     Counter32

    jnxJsNatRuleName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) 
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        	"NAT rule name"
    ::= { jnxJsNatRuleEntry 1 }

    jnxJsNatRuleType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
						source		(1),
						destination	(2),
						static		(3)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        	"NAT types: Source, Destination and Static"
    ::= { jnxJsNatRuleEntry 2 }

    jnxJsNatRuleTransHits OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        	"The number of hits on this NAT rule,
             Deprecated to avoid negative value."
    ::= { jnxJsNatRuleEntry 3 }

    jnxJsNatRuleHits OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
            "The number of hits on this NAT rule to 
             deprecate jnxJsNatRuleTransHits"
    ::= { jnxJsNatRuleEntry 4 }

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  NAT Pool Hit Table
    -- ***************************************************************

    jnxJsNatPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF JnxJsNatPoolEntry 
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
			"This table monitors NAT pool hits  "
        ::= { jnxJsNatObjects 6 }  

    jnxJsNatPoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        JnxJsNatPoolEntry 
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
            "NAT pool hit entries.  It is indexed by the pool index"
        INDEX   { jnxJsNatPoolName, jnxJsNatPoolType }
        ::= { jnxJsNatPoolTable 1 }

    JnxJsNatPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE
        jnxJsNatPoolName                     DisplayString,
        jnxJsNatPoolType                     INTEGER,
        jnxJsNatPoolTransHits                INTEGER,
        jnxJsNatPoolHits                     Counter32

    jnxJsNatPoolName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) 
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        	"NAT Pool name"
    ::= { jnxJsNatPoolEntry 1 }

    jnxJsNatPoolType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
						source		(1),
						destination	(2),
						static		(3)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        	"NAT types: Source, Destination and Static"
    ::= { jnxJsNatPoolEntry 2 }

    jnxJsNatPoolTransHits OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        	"The number of hits on this NAT Pool,
             Deprecated to avoid negative value."
    ::= { jnxJsNatPoolEntry 3 }

    jnxJsNatPoolHits OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
            "The number of hits on this NAT Pool
             to deprecate jnxJsNatPoolTransHits."
    ::= { jnxJsNatPoolEntry 4 }

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  NAT Trap definition
    -- ***************************************************************

    -- NAT Address Pool Utilization Threshold Status 
    jnxJsNatAddrPoolThresholdStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE
		OBJECTS			{ jnxJsNatSrcIpPoolName,
						  jnxJsNatAddrPoolUtil }
        STATUS         deprecated 
             "The NAT address pool untilization threshold status
              trap signifies that the address pool utilization
              is either exceeds certain percentage, or clear of 
              that percentage.
			  jnxJsNatSrcIpPoolName is the name of the resource pool
			  jnxJsNatAddrPoolUtil is the percentage of utilization 
              of the address pool." 
        ::= { jnxJsNatNotifications 1 }
	-- Trap variables 
	jnxJsNatAddrPoolUtil OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
		MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
		STATUS      current
			"The dynamic address pool utilization in percentage."
        ::= { jnxJsNatTrapVars 1 }

    jnxJsNatTrapPoolName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString (SIZE(1..32))
        MAX-ACCESS    accessible-for-notify
        STATUS        current
            "Source NAT Pool name who issues trap"
       ::= { jnxJsNatTrapVars 2 }

    -- NAT Source Pool Utilization Threshold Status
    -- updated since jnxJsNatSrcIpPoolName is deprecated
    jnxJsSrcNatPoolThresholdStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS         { jnxJsNatTrapPoolName,
                          jnxJsNatAddrPoolUtil }
        STATUS         current
             "The Source NAT pool untilization threshold status
              trap signifies that the address pool or PAT utilization
              is either exceeds certain percentage, or clear of that
              jnxJsNatTrapPoolName is the name of source pool
              jnxJsNatAddrPoolUtil is the percentage of utilization
              of the address pool."
        ::= { jnxJsNatNotifications 2 }       

    -- ***************************************************************
    --  END of File 
    -- ***************************************************************