-- extracted from pw-atm-draft-06


      Counter32, Counter64, Unsigned32, mib-2
            FROM SNMPv2-SMI

            FROM SNMPv2-CONF

      TruthValue, RowStatus, RowPointer
            FROM SNMPv2-TC

      PerfCurrentCount, PerfIntervalCount
            FROM PerfHist-TC-MIB

      -- Juniper Specific ATM MIB
        FROM JUNIPER-SMI                       -- *** JNX ***

     jnxVpnPwVpnType, jnxVpnPwVpnName, jnxVpnPwIndex

            FROM IF-MIB

      AtmVpIdentifier, AtmVcIdentifier
            FROM ATM-TC-MIB;

        LAST-UPDATED "200909010000Z"  -- 2008
        ORGANIZATION "Pseudo-Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3)
                      Working Group"
            "Juniper Technical Assistance Center
             Juniper Networks, Inc.
             1194 N. Mathilda Avenue
             Sunnyvale, CA 94089
             E-mail: support@juniper.net"

            "This MIB module defines objects used for managing 
            the atm pseudowires in Juniper products."

        -- Revision history.

        REVISION "200909010000Z"  -- 2008
        DESCRIPTION " This mib is a modified version of RFC 5605"

           ::= { jnxMibs 57}

      jnxpwAtmNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxPWAtmMIB 0 }
      jnxpwAtmObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxPWAtmMIB 1 }
      jnxpwAtmConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxPWAtmMIB 2 }

  --Generic ATM PW table for all types of ATM PW connection.

  jnxpwAtmCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF JnxPwAtmCfgEntry
      MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible
      STATUS            current
          "This table specifies generic information for an ATM PW
           to be carried over PSN in any mode."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmObjects 1 }

      jnxpwAtmCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        JnxPwAtmCfgEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
             "This table contains a set of parameters for
           the ATM PW that needs to be adapted and carried
           over PSN. This table is indexed by pwIndex from
           pwTable. An entry is created for every newly ATM
           type associated pwIndex in the pwTable. Unless
           otherwise specified, all read-write objects in
           this table MAY be changed when the PW is defined
           as not active and all RW objects values must
           persist after reboot"
        "See [PWMIB] "

      INDEX { jnxVpnPwVpnType, jnxVpnPwVpnName, jnxVpnPwIndex }
      ::= { jnxpwAtmCfgTable 1 }

  JnxPwAtmCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          jnxpwAtmCfgMaxCellConcatenation       Unsigned32,
          jnxpwAtmCfgFarEndMaxCellConcatenation Unsigned32,
          jnxpwAtmCfgTimeoutMode                INTEGER,
          jnxpwAtmClpQosMapping                 TruthValue

  jnxpwAtmCfgMaxCellConcatenation OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..29)
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "The maximum number of ATM cells that can be
            concatenated into one PW packet towards PSN.
            In non LDP or other signaling protocol environment,
            this object MAY be changed at anytime, but traffic
            might be interuppted, otherwise, it may be changed
            when PW is not active."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmCfgEntry 1 }

  jnxpwAtmCfgFarEndMaxCellConcatenation OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..29)
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "The maximum number of ATM cells that can be
            concatenated into one PW packet towards PSN as reported by
            the far end. If no LDP in use, the object will either
            return value 0 or allow setting it for calculating
            protocol overhead."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmCfgEntry 2 }

  jnxpwAtmCfgTimeoutMode OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        INTEGER
                           notApplicable (1),
                           disabled      (2),
                           enabled       (3)
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "This objects determines whether a packet can be
            transmitted to the PSN based on time out expiration
            for collecting cells or not. The actual handling of the
            time out is implementation specific-as such this object
            may be changed at any time under proper consideration of
            traffic interupption effect."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmCfgEntry 3 }

  jnxpwAtmClpQosMapping OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "This Object indicates whether the CLP bits should be
           considered when setting the value in the Quality
           of Service fields of the encapsulating protocol
           (e.g. EXP fields of the MPLS Label Stack).  Selecting
           True allows the drop precedence to be preserved
           across the PSN. In transparent cell transport,
           the value of this object MUST be false(2), in other
           cases it can be changed at any time."
        "See [ATMENCAP] section 12"
      ::= { jnxpwAtmCfgEntry 4 }

  -- Device capable of implementing N:1, 1:1 and transparent cell
  -- mode assumes to support the N:1 table for all
  -- modes with respective applicable setting.
  -- In such implementation, user can create an entry for either
  -- 1:1 or transparent cell transport modes only
  -- in pwAtmInboundNto1Table. The side effect of such
  -- will be an automatic create of the respective line in the
  -- pwAtmOutboundNto1Table.

  -- ATM PW Outbound Table for N to 1 connection

  jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Table OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF JnxPwAtmOutboundNto1Entry
      MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible
      STATUS            current
          "This table specifies the information for an ATM PW to
          be carried over PSN in the outbound direction. Up to
          N entries can be created in this table for every
          entry in the pwTable with a pwType equal to:
          atmCellNto1Vcc(9), or atmCellNto1Vpc(10).
            An entry can be created only when the VP/VC are known.
          A single entry will be created in this table for every
          entry in the pwTable with a pwType equal to
          one of the following: atmCell1to1Vcc(12), or
          atmCell1to1Vpc(13), or atmAal5PduVcc(14), or
          atmAal5SduVcc(2), or atmTransparent(3).
      ::= { jnxpwAtmObjects 2 }

  jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Entry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        JnxPwAtmOutboundNto1Entry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "A row in this table represents an ATM PW that needs to be
           adapted and carried over PSN. This table is indexed by
           pwIndex from pwTable and the ATM interface with VPL/ VCLs.
           In atmTransparent(3), Vpi and VCi will be 0xFFFF
           during set operation.
           Unless otherwise specified, all read-create objects in this
           table MUST NOT be changed after row activation
           and SHOULD remain unchanged after reboot."
      INDEX { jnxVpnPwVpnType, jnxVpnPwVpnName, jnxVpnPwIndex }
      ::= { jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Table 1 }

  JnxPwAtmOutboundNto1Entry ::= SEQUENCE {
        jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1AtmIf                    InterfaceIndex,
        jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Vpi                      AtmVpIdentifier,
        jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Vci                      AtmVcIdentifier,
        jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1RowStatus                RowStatus,
        jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1TrafficParamDescr        RowPointer,
        jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1MappedVpi                AtmVpIdentifier,
        jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1MappedVci                AtmVcIdentifier

  jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1AtmIf OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        InterfaceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "The ATM Interface that receives cells from the ATM network."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Entry 1 }

  jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Vpi OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        AtmVpIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "VPI value of this ATM PW. In atmTransparent(3),
           Vpi will be the equivalent of 0xFFFF"
      ::= { jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Entry 2 }

  jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Vci OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        AtmVcIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "VCI value of this ATM PW. In atmTransparent(3), or
           VP case, the value will be the equivalent of
      ::= { jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Entry 3 }

  jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1RowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "This Object is used to create, modify or delete a row in
           this table."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Entry 4 }

  jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1TrafficParamDescr OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        RowPointer
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "This object represents a pointer to a ATM traffic parameter
           specific row in either private or standard table which will
           be employed while receiving cells from the ATM network.
           This table should contain a set
           of self-consistent ATM traffic parameters including the ATM
           traffic service category. A value of 0.0 indicates Best

      ::= { jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Entry 5 }

  jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1MappedVpi         OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        AtmVpIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "The egress generated VPI value of this ATM PW. The
          entry is valid for PW type of atmCellNto1Vcc(9),
          atmCellNto1Vpc(10), atmCell1to1Vcc(12), or
          atmCell1to1Vpc(13). In other types, the value will be the
          equivalent of 0xFFFF. Value MAY be changed when the
          PW is defined as not active "
      ::= { jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Entry 6 }

  jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1MappedVci      OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        AtmVcIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "The egress generated VCI value of this ATM PW. The
          entry is valid for PW type of atmCellNto1Vcc(9),
          atmCellNto1Vpc(10), atmCell1to1Vcc(12), or
          atmCell1to1Vpc(13. In VP case or other types, the
          value will be the equivalent of 0xFFFF.
          Value MAY be changed when the PW is defined
          as not active."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmOutboundNto1Entry 7 }

  -- ATM PW Inbound Table for N to 1 connection

  jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Table OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF JnxPwAtmInboundNto1Entry
      MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible
      STATUS            current
          "This table specifies the information for an ATM PW to
          be carried over PSN in the Inbound direction. Up to
          N entries can be created in this table for every
          entry in the pwTable with a pwType equal to:
          atmCellNto1Vcc(9), or atmCellNto1Vpc(10).
            An entry can be created only when the VP/VC are known.
          A single entry will be created in this table for every
          entry in the pwTable with a pwType equal to
          one of the following:atmCell1to1Vcc(12), or
          atmCell1to1Vpc(13), or atmAal5PduVcc(14), or
          atmAal5SduVcc(2), or atmTransparent(3)."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmObjects 3 }

  jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Entry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        JnxPwAtmInboundNto1Entry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "A row in this table represents an ATM PW that needs to be
           adapted and carried over PSN. This table is indexed by
           pwIndex from pwTable and the ATM interface with VPL/ VCLs.
           In atmTransparent(3), Vpi and VCi will be 0xFFFF
           during set operation.
           Unless otherwise specified, all Read-Creat objects in this
           table MUST NOT be changed after row activation
           and SHOULD remain unchanged after reboot."
      INDEX { jnxVpnPwVpnType, jnxVpnPwVpnName, jnxVpnPwIndex }
      ::= { jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Table 1 }

  JnxPwAtmInboundNto1Entry ::= SEQUENCE {
        jnxpwAtmInboundNto1AtmIf                InterfaceIndex,
        jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Vpi                  AtmVpIdentifier,
        jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Vci                  AtmVcIdentifier,
        jnxpwAtmInboundNto1RowStatus            RowStatus,
        jnxpwAtmInboundNto1TrafficParamDescr    RowPointer,
        jnxpwAtmInboundNto1MappedVpi            AtmVpIdentifier,
        jnxpwAtmInboundNto1MappedVci            AtmVcIdentifier

  jnxpwAtmInboundNto1AtmIf OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        InterfaceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "The ATM Interface that receives cells from the ATM network."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Entry 1 }

  jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Vpi OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        AtmVpIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "VPI value of this ATM PW. In atmTransparent(3),
           Vpi will be the equivalent of 0xFFFF."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Entry 2 }

  jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Vci OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        AtmVcIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "VCI value of this ATM PW. In atmTransparent(3), or
           VP case, the value will be the equivalent of
      ::= { jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Entry 3 }

  jnxpwAtmInboundNto1RowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "This Object is used to create, modify or delete a row in
          this table."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Entry 4 }

  jnxpwAtmInboundNto1TrafficParamDescr OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        RowPointer
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "This object represents a pointer to a ATM traffic parameter
           specific row in either private or standard table which will
           be employed while receiving cells from the ATM network.
           This table should contain a set
           of self-consistent ATM traffic parameters including the ATM
           traffic service category. A value of 0.0 indicates Best

      ::= { jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Entry 5 }

  jnxpwAtmInboundNto1MappedVpi    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        AtmVpIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "The generated VPI value of this ATM PW. The
          entry is valid for PW type of atmCellNto1Vcc(9),
          atmCellNto1Vpc(10), atmCell1to1Vcc(12), or
          atmCell1to1Vpc(13). In other types, the value will be the
          equivalent of 0xFFFF. Value MAY be changed when the
          PW is defined as not active."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Entry 6 }

  jnxpwAtmInboundNto1MappedVci     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        AtmVcIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "The generated VCI value of this ATM PW. The
          entry is valid for PW type of atmCellNto1Vcc(9),
          atmCellNto1Vpc(10), atmCell1to1Vcc(12), or
          atmCell1to1Vpc(13. In VP case or other types, the
          value will be the equivalent of 0xFFFF.
          Value MAY be changed when the
          PW is defined as not active."
      ::= { jnxpwAtmInboundNto1Entry 7 }

  -- ATM PW Outbound Perf Table

  -- The following supplement the counters presented in the
  -- PW generic MIB
  -- ATM PW Performance Current Table.

  jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF JnxPwAtmPerfCurrentEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "The current 15 minute interval counts are in
         this table.
         This table provides performance information per ATM PW."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmObjects 4 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        JnxPwAtmPerfCurrentEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry in this table is created by the agent for every
         pwAtmCfgTable entry. After 15 minutes, the contents of this
         table entry are copied to a new entry in the
         pwAtmPerfInterval table and the counts in this entry
         are reset to zero."
    INDEX  { jnxVpnPwVpnType, jnxVpnPwVpnName, jnxVpnPwIndex }
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentTable 1 }

  JnxPwAtmPerfCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentMissingPkts    PerfCurrentCount,
       jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentPktsReOrder    PerfCurrentCount,
       jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentPktsMisOrder   PerfCurrentCount,
       jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentPktsTimeout    PerfCurrentCount,
       jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentPktsXmit       Counter64,
       jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentCellsDropped   PerfCurrentCount,
       jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentPktsReceived   Counter64,
       jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentUnknownCells   Counter64 

  jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentMissingPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of missing packets (as detected via control word
         sequence number gaps)."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentEntry 1 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentPktsReOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of packets detected out of sequence (via control
         word sequence number), but successfully re-ordered.
         Note: some implementations may not support this Feature."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentEntry 2 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentPktsMisOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of packets detected out of order (via control word
         sequence numbers)."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentEntry 3 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentPktsTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of packets transmitted due to timeout expiration
         while attempting to collect cells."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentEntry 4 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentPktsXmit OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64 
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of transmitted packets."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentEntry 5 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentCellsDropped OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       PerfCurrentCount 
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of dropped cells."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentEntry 6 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentPktsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of received packets."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentEntry 7 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentUnknownCells OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64 
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of cells received from the PSN with unknown VPI or
        VCI values. This object is relevant only in N:1 mode."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfCurrentEntry 8 }

  -- End ATM PW Performance Current Interval Table

  -- ATM PW Performance Interval Table.

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF JnxPwAtmPerfIntervalEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "This table provides performance information per ATM PW
         similar to the pwAtmPerfCurrentTable above. However,
         these counts represent historical 15 minute intervals.
         Typically, this table will have a maximum of 96 entries
         for a 24 hour period. "
    ::= { jnxpwAtmObjects 5 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        JnxPwAtmPerfIntervalEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry in this table is created by the agent for
         every pwAtmPerfCurrentEntry that is 15 minutes old.
         The contents of the Current entry are copied to the new
         entry here. The Current entry, then resets its counts
         to zero for the next current 15 minute interval. "
    INDEX  { jnxVpnPwVpnType, jnxVpnPwVpnName, jnxVpnPwIndex, jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalNumber }
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalTable 1 }

  JnxPwAtmPerfIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalNumber         Unsigned32,
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalValidData      TruthValue,
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalDuration       Unsigned32,
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalMissingPkts    PerfIntervalCount,
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalPktsReOrder    PerfIntervalCount,
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalPktsMisOrder   PerfIntervalCount,
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalPktsTimeout    PerfIntervalCount,
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalPktsXmit       Counter64,
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalCellsDropped   PerfIntervalCount,
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalPktsReceived   Counter64,
       jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalUnknownCells   Counter64 

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..96)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A number (normally between 1 and 96 to cover a 24 hour
         period) which identifies the interval for which the set
         of statistics is available. The interval identified by 1
         is the most recently completed 15 minute interval, and
         the interval identified by N is the interval immediately
         preceding the one identified by N-1. The minimum range of
         N is 1 through 4. The default range is 1 through 32. The
         maximum value of N is 96."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 1 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This variable indicates if the data for this interval
         is valid."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 2 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalDuration OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "The duration of a particular interval in seconds,
        Adjustments in the system's time-of-day clock, may
        cause the interval to be greater or less than, the
        normal value. Therefore this actual interval value
        is provided."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 3 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalMissingPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of missing packets (as detected via control
         word sequence number gaps)."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 4 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalPktsReOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of packets detected out of sequence (via control
         word sequence number), but successfully re-ordered.
         Note: some implementations may not support this
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 5 }

   jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalPktsMisOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of packets detected out of order (via control word
         sequence numbers)."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 6 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalPktsTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of packets transmitted due to timeout expiration."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 7 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalPktsXmit OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64 
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of transmitted packets."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 8 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalCellsDropped OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of dropped cells."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 9 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalPktsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64 
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of received packets."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 10 }

  jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalUnknownCells OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64 
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of cells received from the PSN  with unknown VPI or
        VCI values. This object is relevant only in N:1 mode."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerfIntervalEntry 11 }

  -- End ATM PW Performance Interval Table

  -- ATM PW 1day Performance Table

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF JnxPwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "This table provides performance information per ATM PW
         similar to the pwAtmPerfIntervalTable above. However,
         these counters represent historical 1 day intervals up to
         one full month."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmObjects 6 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        JnxPwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry is created in this table by the agent
         for every entry in the pwAtmCfgTable table."
    INDEX  { jnxVpnPwVpnType, jnxVpnPwVpnName, jnxVpnPwIndex, jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalNumber }
       ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalTable 1 }

  JnxPwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalNumber          Unsigned32,
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalValidData       TruthValue,
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalDuration        Unsigned32,
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalMissingPkts     Counter32,
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalPktsReOrder     Counter32,
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalPktsMisOrder    Counter32,
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalPktsTimeout     Counter32,
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalPktsXmit        Counter64,
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalCellsDropped    Counter32,
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalPktsReceived    Counter64,
       jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalUnknownCells    Counter64

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..365)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "The number of interval, where 1 indicates current day
         measured period and 2 and above indicate previous days
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 1 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This object indicates if the data for this interval
         is valid."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 2 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalDuration OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "The duration of a particular interval in seconds,
       Adjustments in the system's time-of-day clock, may
       cause the interval to be greater or less than, the
       normal value. Therefore this actual interval value
       is provided."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 3 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalMissingPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
      "Number of missing packets (as detected via control word
       sequence number gaps)."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 4 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalPktsReOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of packets detected out of sequence (via control
         word sequence number), but successfully re-ordered.
         Note: some implementations may not support this
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 5 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalPktsMisOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of packets detected out of order(via control word
         sequence numbers), and could not be re-ordered."
    ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 6 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalPktsTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of packets transmitted due to timeout expiration."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 7 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalPktsXmit OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of transmitted packets."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 8 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalCellsDropped OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of dropped cells."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 9 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalPktsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of received packets."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 10 }

  jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalUnknownCells OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Number of cells received from the PSN  with unknown VPI
        or VCI value. This object is relevant only in N:1 mode."
     ::= { jnxpwAtmPerf1DayIntervalEntry 11 }

  -- End of ATM PW Performance table