SNS scales global connectivity for mobile operators and enterprises

Swiss Networking Solutions (SNS) AG specializes in providing agile, high-performance connectivity services to mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs), content providers, and enterprises that seek to extend their global footprints. By choosing SNS, customers can accelerate time to market and reduce costs by not having to establish direct relationships with many different transit providers and Internet exchanges globally.

SNS was established in 2015 and spun out of Telecom26, a Zurich-based mobile service provider, in 2023. As SNS lays the foundation to meet strong customer demand with operational efficiency and ease, the company expanded its Juniper network, upgrading its global backbone and key points of presence to 400G.


Company Swiss Networking Solutions (SNS) AG
Industry Service Provider
Products used MX204QFX5120EX4600EX4100SRX340SRX345SRX380SRX1500
Region EMEA
Swiss Networking Solutions (SNS) AG Image
Customer Success At-a-glance


Capacity increase


Network uptime


Points of presence worldwide, originating from Zurich


Long haul international circuits


Prepare for growing global digital needs

SNS needed a network that could scale with the company’s growth ambitions and its customers’ increasing digital needs.

“Our business traditionally has been to support MVNOs,” says Phillip Meents, CIO of SNS. “We are expanding to support the growth of enterprises and other service providers by removing the friction and roadblocks of multisite services and global connectivity.”

SNS helps customers extend their reach to new markets with global transit and fully managed services that are optimized to meet customers’ service and traffic needs. It offers content provider interconnection, direct connectivity, mobile backhaul, and custom network buildouts.

Swiss Networking Solutions Challenge

Scale an end-to-end global core network

“We have made a decision to go all-in with Juniper for routing and switching,” says Meents. “Juniper delivers better price/performance and an investment-protected upgrade path. We can easily scale the network as we grow.”

SNS upgraded its global core network to Juniper MX204 routers for a compact, high-density 400G platform that’s enabling a 5-fold capacity increase from its incumbent Juniper MX104 routers. SNS also uses Juniper Networks QFX Series Switches in its larger data centers and EX Series Switches in smaller points of presence (POPs). Juniper SRX Series Firewalls provide AI-driven protection, helping safeguard against intrusions, malware, and other threats.

“Juniper enables us to simplify our POPs and maintain a high level of reliability and security,” says Joao Alves, network team leader at SNS.

The consistency of the Junos operating system across routing, switching, and firewall platforms simplifies delivery as SNS tailors services to meet its customer needs. “Having the same syntax everywhere makes our lives easier,” says Alves. “We can bring on new devices quickly to help customers accelerate their time to market.”

Alves has 20 years of network experience but was new to the Junos OS environment. “After understanding the concepts of how Junos OS works, I prefer it,” he says, noting his favorite capability is rollback. “When you are working in a production environment and make an error, the ability to revert to a previous configuration is the best,” he says.

Swiss Networking Solutions Solution

Greater digital capacity for innovation

“With our expanded network, we can be even more agile as we help network operators and enterprises address specific connectivity needs as they enter new geographies and markets,” says Meents.

SNS has 16 POPs originating from Zurich and reaching across Europe to the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, and the U.S., and it continues to grow. As it does, MVNO and content and service provider customers can enhance their connectivity and offer new services to subscribers. Pharmaceutical companies, banks, manufacturers, and other enterprises have flexible options for customized connectivity, backed by mobile network redundancy.

“With our combination of reach, relationships, and personalization, along with improved capacity and reach with the latest Juniper routers, SNS offers a model for global connectivity services that are not readily available from other providers,” Meents says.

Swiss Networking Solutions Outcome
“With the performance, reliability, and consistency of a Juniper network, SNS is more agile as we help network operators and enterprises address their connectivity needs in new geographies and markets.”
Phillip Meents CIO, SNS

Published December 2023